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Rio Olympics 2016


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I've never really been overwhelmed with the grandeur and tradition of the Olympic games, but I enjoyed the London games and Beijing was pretty impressive as well.


These upcoming games though? Not feeling it at all. All the nonsense with the Russian drug abuse just makes me wonder what other less scrupulous governments are doping their athletes, especially now it has come out that Brazilian athletes (conveniently) have not been tested in the month leading up to these games. Most sports leave me cold anyway, except for the basketball but we all know who is going to win that.


Am I alone in being completely underwhelmed so far?


Oh not to mention all the violence already happening in the run-up, the Russian official shooting a mugger (with the mugger's gun, turns out Russian army training is pretty useful) and the Kiwi Taekwondo lad being mugged and then black-mailed by the Brazilian police...

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No interest at all so far, but I suppose most of us will perk up when track and field gets into full swing.


The Olympics just seems to want to constantly "grow the brand". Olympic tennis, Olympic golf? Seems a bit odd, really. I prefer the world athletics championship tbh.

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Things like this do not help.


Sorry Lizzie but to miss 3 drug tests then get off on a "technicality" is not acceptable in my book.


After missing the first test accounting for her whereabouts should have been her number 1 priority if I were in her shoes I would double check it every single day only takes a few minutes and your whole career depends on it.


I am not saying she is a drug cheat but she did not adhere to clear and fair rules that most agree must be in place to prevent it so she should have been punished not let of because she has a good lawyer (who also represents some of the Russian cheats)



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Just watched the women's cycling road race. Jesus H Christ, that is deadly. The leader took an almighty fall and lay there unmoving as people, including her team mate, rode past. Stomach churning. Chris Boardman was apoplectic with rage that the course had been permitted. He's got a point, everyone likes to see "elite" athletes get challenged, which is why it's fun to see golfers at a blustery links course, but at least with them there is no serious threat of being killed.

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Just watched the women's cycling road race. Jesus H Christ, that is deadly. The leader took an almighty fall and lay there unmoving as people, including her team mate, rode past. Stomach churning. Chris Boardman was apoplectic with rage that the course had been permitted. He's got a point, everyone likes to see "elite" athletes get challenged, which is why it's fun to see golfers at a blustery links course, but at least with them there is no serious threat of being killed.


Saw it,she didn't,t move but later they said she was conscious.

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Saw it,she didn't,t move but later they said she was conscious.


Three small spinal fractures and concussion. Not great, but could have been a whole lot worse.


She has tweeted she is OK so must be in a reasonable condition.


Aside from the crashes, two super races. For those who aren't regular watchers of pro road cycling, crashes are a regular occurence, and many look as nasty as this one. There have been some terrible incidents this year, including a few fatalities.

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Just watched the women's cycling road race. Jesus H Christ, that is deadly. The leader took an almighty fall and lay there unmoving as people, including her team mate, rode past. Stomach churning. Chris Boardman was apoplectic with rage that the course had been permitted. He's got a point, everyone likes to see "elite" athletes get challenged, which is why it's fun to see golfers at a blustery links course, but at least with them there is no serious threat of being killed.


Saw it. She came a right cropper on the descent, the poor girl. Boardman has a point, he knows what he's talking about and if he says it's too dangerous he's very probably right.


I was sorry for the American girl too; one minute you're in the gold medal spot with less than 150m to go, the next minute three riders have gone past you and you get nothing.

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I don't think I have remember so many injuries so early in the Olympics if ever at all, they are all at it.


The Cyclist, several gymnasts (one being the french bloke with the double broken leg, ouch), the martial arts woman and others! . Bloody crazy

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