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Rio Olympics 2016


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I was flicking channels and found the cycling, not something I'd choose to watch, a little bit dull unless perhaps you are a bit of cycling nut :roll:


A question, it appeared to be very much a 'team game', I watched as one cyclist peeled back from the crowd and picked up water bottles for the rest of her team. It looks like they've decided beforehand who out of their team is to be lead rider so why then isn't it a team medal like a lot of other Olympic and other sports?


The individuals seem to get the plaudits, the honours, the medal, the sponsorship deals and TV kudos which perhaps isn't wholly merited. :idea:

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I was flicking channels and found the cycling, not something I'd choose to watch, a little bit dull unless perhaps you are a bit of cycling nut :roll:


A question, it appeared to be very much a 'team game', I watched as one cyclist peeled back from the crowd and picked up water bottles for the rest of her team. It looks like they've decided beforehand who out of their team is to be lead rider so why then isn't it a team medal like a lot of other Olympic and other sports?


The individuals seem to get the plaudits, the honours, the medal, the sponsorship deals and TV kudos which perhaps isn't wholly merited. :idea:


It is very much a team game, but made up of constituent individual parts, especially at the olympics where national teams race. Basically over the course of a race the cyclists work out amongst each other, per team, who has the best legs and best chance to win.

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Well done Mo Farah, third gold medal, and of course Jess Ennis-Hill, winning silver. I've enjoyed watching a variety of sports, the cycling has been brilliant! I'll be watching the men's tennis final later, Andy Murray may just do it again!

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Well done Mo Farah, third gold medal, and of course Jess Ennis-Hill, winning silver. I've enjoyed watching a variety of sports, the cycling has been brilliant! I'll be watching the men's tennis final later, Andy Murray may just do it again!


It was great last night. Farah was epic. Jess getting silver was a superb achievement. She didn't miss out on gold by much at all and the Belgian athlete got 5 PBs, including shaving seconds off her PB 800m time!


What did Rutherford say about his red flagged jump? I think he said in the end it was given but because he didn't challenge the call the distance wasn't measured? It looked a big one too. Bad luck.

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my interest in RIO Olympics is high due total medal count. We have passed the Russians, French and Japanese and are coming up on China in 2nd place. I have seen one forecast where GB is forecast to get 60 medals.

I am hoping it is enough for GB to get into second place ! This would be a great feat, erasing the Iceland fiasco !!

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All the medals are piling up at the Olympics but it is our Cyclists who are making the World stand up and take notice more than any other sport.

This following the Tour De France victory by Chris Froome makes us the envy of the World .

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All the medals are piling up at the Olympics but it is our Cyclists who are making the World stand up and take notice more than any other sport.

This following the Tour De France victory by Chris Froome makes us the envy of the World .


UK Cycling has received over £30 million from UK Sport..I'm not sure how that ranks amongst the other sports but I reckon that amount of money will make a big difference..

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