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What next for the anti smoking lobby ?

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Ok so ban smoking, then ban alcohol, next would have to be gambling, then cycling as that is a big cost to NHS, then ban all transport as the cost to the NHS and the environment is massive. How far do you have to go all these things a choice people make to do and I don't want my choice taken away from me. Ok so you don't like what I do but if you drink I don't like what you do. So shall we just let people choose and mind our own business.

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I would imagine that a good amount of the air that you breathe has just been expelled from someone else's lungs.

In addition it probably carries airborne particulates from a host of other sources such as petrol and diesel fumes,pollens,insects,microbes etc,etc.

If you don't like the smell of tobacco fair enough,but don't try to blame it for all the worlds ills.

That's just stupid.


But if someone coughs without putting their hand over their mouth you'd probably think they were being rude.


if i was walking into a bar and someone stood outside just coughed or sneezed in my face, id be pretty upset.


Smoking in a doorway is no different. Thats why i suggested the 3 metre rule

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But if someone coughs without putting their hand over their mouth you'd probably think they were being rude.


if i was walking into a bar and someone stood outside just coughed or sneezed in my face, id be pretty upset.


Smoking in a doorway is no different. Thats why i suggested the 3 metre rule


I'm not talking about coughing or sneezing.Just exhaling.

I suppose we could all wear the face masks which seem to be popular with the Japanese.

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3 metres from a doorway ,then what comes next ? 10 metres, 20 metres , 50 metres ?


The smoking sketch in the IT Crowd seems to sum it up. As far away from the door as possible.

And rightly so.


---------- Post added 07-08-2016 at 20:50 ----------



This one.

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the smoking ban has been awesome.

every pub seems to have converted a grotty garden into somewhere gorgeous to sit outside and enjoy a beer.


Yes lol with overflowing ashtrays and fag buts every where. We went to the woodman I think it was called with all the family. (Wickersley) they had just opened. It had rained and outside stunk! Stomach turning of wet ashtrays. The manager said the cleaner had not turned up. Never again

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WE all know smoking causes harm, we should ban it completely so that another generation of teenagers don't take it up to look cool, to then suffer a life time of dependency and poor health.


We know that prohibition doesn't work, so we shouldn't. Also morally people have the right to do what they like to their own bodies, so long as they aren't harming others.


---------- Post added 07-08-2016 at 21:34 ----------


Ok so ban smoking, then ban alcohol, next would have to be gambling, then cycling as that is a big cost to NHS, then ban all transport as the cost to the NHS and the environment is massive. How far do you have to go all these things a choice people make to do and I don't want my choice taken away from me. Ok so you don't like what I do but if you drink I don't like what you do. So shall we just let people choose and mind our own business.


I appreciate the point you're trying to make, but cycling saves the NHS (and society) more than it costs.

And smoking brings in more tax revenue than it costs (although that ignores the cost to society of early deaths).

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thats because SOME smokers, (not all) dont consider the waste from their habit to be their responsibility. a good mate of mine still smokes. he carry's am old tobacco tin with him. he taps his ash into that tin, and he puts his butt ends in that tin. which he then takes home and empties into his own bin.


his views. its his job to clean up his own litter. If only everyone thought the same.


I live in a small village. While walking to work on Saturday I was shocked by the amount of dog mess, fag buts and empty alcohol bottles.

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