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State schooling Vs religious schooling.

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Do religious schools have better schooling than state run schools in the sence of learning environment and exam results. I went to a state run school at best it was OK standard but another state run school in the next village was deemed much better. Then their is a Catholic school which enjoys a very good reputation and still does. Are pupils more encouraged to learn in a religious school as they may be more supported than a state one ?

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Do religious schools have better schooling than state run schools in the sence of learning environment and exam results. I went to a state run school at best it was OK standard but another state run school in the next village was deemed much better. Then their is a Catholic school which enjoys a very good reputation and still does. Are pupils more encouraged to learn in a religious school as they may be more supported than a state one ?


I think that is the key. For a good education the kids need to be supported and encouraged. Religious schools are supported by that religion, but they could equally be supported by the school and parents.

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The area you live in is far more likely to determine how good a given school is and not its type. So it is quite simple, look at the OFSTED reports, look at how the the exam results are doing over the last few years and move into its catchment.

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I have some family members who claim that the religious school have better Oftsed reports and that the behaviour in the schools is better. I have never checked this out as we are not religious.


However, I don't see why secular schools if they don't do as well aren't capable of. I can't see a logic reason why faith schools create better results just because of the religious element - it would make more sense as suggested by El Cid that it is the support element that is stronger.


Everyone should have an equal opportunity for a decent education regardless of address, income or religion. However, I know that things of course are not like this but we should be working towards this.


I am against faith schools as I believe they encourage division - something we should be working against in a country full of people from many races, religions and backgrounds.

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My view is religion should NOT be taught in any school what so ever.


Why should kids have that stupidity force fed them at school ?


RE should of course continue to be taught in schools. It's essential that children understand the belief systems which shape history and modern society. It's a great arena in which to get children thing about behaviour, the concepts of good/bad, right/wrong, to foster critical thinking skills and so much more.

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State schooling Vs religious schooling


Are pupils more encouraged to learn in a religious school as they may be more supported than a state one ?


I think you're confused about what a religious, or faith, school is. Faith schools are state schools in that they teach the national curriculum just like non-religious schools.


"Faith schools are mostly run like other state schools. They have to follow the national curriculum except for religious studies, where they are free to only teach about their own religion."


I think you mean non-religious schools rather than state schools.



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RE should of course continue to be taught in schools. It's essential that children understand the belief systems which shape history and modern society. It's a great arena in which to get children thing about behaviour, the concepts of good/bad, right/wrong, to foster critical thinking skills and so much more.


Religion has no place in education today,its not needed as a guide for good/bad.,right/wrong or anything else.

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...to foster critical thinking skills ...

Yup, nothing like a look at Creationism to get those critical thinking skills up and running...

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