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State schooling Vs religious schooling.

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Religion has no place in education today,its not needed as a guide for good/bad.,right/wrong or anything else.


Religion is one of the major driving forces of conflict in the world today.

If you wish to reduce conflict, you will need to understand the bases of the various religions involved.

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I think you're confused about what a religious, or faith, school is. Faith schools are state schools in that they teach the national curriculum just like non-religious schools.


"Faith schools are mostly run like other state schools. They have to follow the national curriculum except for religious studies, where they are free to only teach about their own religion."


If there are any state faith schools, once the academisation of all state schools is complete, all faith schools will be academies, and no longer have to follow the curriculum.

Academies have already had issues with fraud, because of the money involved and the fact that they have so much freedom. Our PM may see that error, she has already sacked Morgan the education minister, so maybe our schools will get better in the future.

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I think you're confused about what a religious, or faith, school is. Faith schools are state schools in that they teach the national curriculum just like non-religious schools.


"Faith schools are mostly run like other state schools. They have to follow the national curriculum except for religious studies, where they are free to only teach about their own religion."


I think you mean non-religious schools rather than state schools.




Its a parents choice to which school they want to send their children too . If a Catholic family want their children to follow their faith they will choose a school that teaches their religion regardless of the curriculum . Basic curriculum is teached but it depends on the family on what school environment is suited to the families faith.

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with all the upsurge in private schools etc it's obvious more Religious schools of alldenominations will be established.

It's about time all these private, Independent, public ,religious etc schools are brought into the state sector.

with the Tories in power it looks like the opposite will happen

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Its a parents choice to which school they want to send their children too . If a Catholic family want their children to follow their faith they will choose a school that teaches their religion regardless of the curriculum . Basic curriculum is teached but it depends on the family on what school environment is suited to the families faith.

I have known Catholics who have suddenly found their faith again when it comes to getting kids into school time.

That faith can often dim when they realise that two bus journeys are involved along with a couple of hours travelling to the opposite side of the city every day.

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Its a parents choice to which school they want to send their children too . If a Catholic family want their children to follow their faith they will choose a school that teaches their religion regardless of the curriculum . Basic curriculum is teached but it depends on the family on what school environment is suited to the families faith.


What has any of that to do with the fact that faith schools are state schools?


Teached? You're lecturing people on education and say teached?

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Half a century ago England was a Christian country (albeit of the Anglican variety, mostly). It was at one time taken for granted that people were Christians there. Not only that, but it was understood - because it did not have to be stated - that this was a country whose culture, morals and outlook had been formed by the Christian faith.


This country bent over backwards to be welcoming and tolerant towards those who came here from the 1960s onwards who were not Christian, and, indeed, for the most part, Moslem. At the same time, we saw a growth in secularism, materialism, modernism, and the dilution of the Christian foundations of the British society.


Only recently has it become apparent that the Christian faith here needs defending, but such has been the progress of those elements in society which oppose it that views which were the norm only thirty or forty years ago are now condemned as rabidly reactionary.


Sad story!


Why and how do you think it needs defending?

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with all the upsurge in private schools etc it's obvious more Religious schools of alldenominations will be established.

It's about time all these private, Independent, public ,religious etc schools are brought into the state sector.

with the Tories in power it looks like the opposite will happen


Err no. Leave independent schools out of this please. We're happy as we are doing our thing. No interest in state control thanks.

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