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State schooling Vs religious schooling.

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In what subject.....Theory of evolution by any chance? Seeing as science keeps proving that you are wrong and the comic books just look more ridiculous as time moves on.

When the comic book readers show me how the person who runs their universe shows me how they have helped the many victims of world tragedies I have seen in my lifetime, you may never know, I might become as vulnerable as you.....but I seriously doubt it!


The Vatican have promoted evolution as the best explantion of the diversity of life on Earth. However, getting a Catholic school to discuss contraception during a sex education class, that's a different story.

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You tend to find that faith schools are full of children who's parents want them to go there and so support the school which in turn attracts teachers who want to teach there. A normal school can sometimes be a dumping ground for both children who don't want to be there and teachers who shouldn't be there .


Which is pretty much the correct answer.?


In 'freakonomics it asks 'if I buy a book about being a better parent will it make me a better parent?'

The answer was, 'no, but the fact your the type of person who would buy the book means your at least heading in the right direction regarding attitude to parenting'


The same is often true for faith schools, your at least paying an interest and as such are likely to be in a similar company of people who are being proactive regarding child rearing and education which in most cases creates a better overall environment. A similar thing happens with private school to a certain extent.

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That's an interesting point. (Some) religious schools are relatively good because of all those "proactive" non-religious people pretending to be religious so as to get their kids into them. Sounds plausible. Bit tough on non-religious people who aren't prepared to do that, though.


I just couldn't bring myself to pretend that me and my children belong to any particular religion. It's the same as someone calling religious texts a "comic book", you are taking the mick out people who genuinely follow a faith.

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  • 3 weeks later...
My statement is absolutely true. Independent schools receive £800m of tax relief every year.


Even Michael Wilshaw thinks that they should be doing much more if they want to retain this grotesquely huge perk.


Subsidised education should be applauded and valued. The trouble with the British is that they think of education as a free state service that they have a right to so they do not appreciate the high value of it.


Jukes x

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