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Horse riders on public footpaths

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This morning we decided to walk with the grandkids on public footpaths in the Holmsfield ,Bradway areas.


Some of the paths are very narrow and boarded by woodland or dense nettle and scrub.

We had our two dogs for company who are both trained to walk at close control.

On two occasions our group was forced to move out of the way and into rough nettle and heather by horse riders who showed no interest in our presence on what are clearly marked as public footpaths only.


On commenting to one particularly aggressive woman that she was on a public path and should move over to let us pass safely she told us that horses had the right of way and to get our dogs on a lead or she would not be responsible if they got kicked.

So what is the law on horse riding on pathways is it legal any one.

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I walk my dog in the area frequently.


I must say that I've never encountered a horse rider on a footpath.


It is a different story with cyclists, they seem to ride at will on footpaths. If they are pleasant and accomodating towards my cycle-phobic dog, I give them the time of day and try to calm him down. The arrogant ones who think they can ride where they like without any consideration for the law, or other path users, are left to his tender mercies:D

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I walk my dog in the area frequently.


I must say that I've never encountered a horse rider on a footpath.


It is a different story with cyclists, they seem to ride at will on footpaths. If they are pleasant and accomodating towards my cycle-phobic dog, I give them the time of day and try to calm him down. The arrogant ones who think they can ride where they like without any consideration for the law, or other path users, are left to his tender mercies:D


Another arrogant dog owner who thinks everybody likes their dog as much as they do, and takes a dog out which, by the owners own admittance is prone to attacking cyclists.


If that cyclist is a small child out riding safely on a footpath, as we all did as children, what happens then? A small child terrified by a snarling dog, maybe an accident. I can see why you put your smiley on your post, it's hilarious....

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This is about horses.

I walk my dog in the area frequently.


The arrogant ones who think they can ride where they like without any consideration for the law, or other path users, are left to his tender mercies:D


Try reading the thread...

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So what is the law on horse riding on pathways is it legal any one.


There are two reasons why a horse might legally be ridden on a public path:


  1. If the path is a Public Bridleway. There are some around the area, for example the one from Totley Lane down to Mickley Lane via Longford Drive.
  2. If the landowner gives them permission; if the landowner is friendly with the horse stables then they might well let them, for example. But I don't know in the case of the paths in that area.

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There are two reasons why a horse might legally be ridden on a public path:


  1. If the path is a Public Bridleway. There are some around the area, for example the one from Totley Lane down to Mickley Lane via Longford Drive.
  2. If the landowner gives them permission; if the landowner is friendly with the horse stables then they might well let them, for example. But I don't know in the case of the paths in that area.


but what a bout a public roadway?? they seem to be a little unthinking sometimes, like pulling off the road instead of creating a tailback? and they dont pay road tax:D

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