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Why do people think they are entitled to home ownership?

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we need the reintroduction of the fair rents act, such as they have in Germany.


What do you do when nobody offers their property for rent at the prices permitted by the state?


The German laws do not directly limit rent. They set a standard for reasonable rent based on the market itself and prevent sudden large increases in rent.

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So we needs laws protecting sitting tenants from summary eviction and/or unreasonable rent increase. (tentants who fail to pay or otherwise breach their contract should not be protected of course, in this case the landlord should be protected more proactively).

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So we needs laws protecting sitting tenants from summary eviction and/or unreasonable rent increase. (tentants who fail to pay or otherwise breach their contract should not be protected of course, in this case the landlord should be protected more proactively).

Too right. Some bright spark in the government decided it would be a good idea to pay housing benefit directly to the recipient instead of the landlord. When the tenant stops paying it can take a landlord months to go through the legal process of eviction, adding even more to money to the lost rent.

Also councils like Sheffield are owed ten of millions with not much prospect of getting it, putting further burdens on the system and other ratepayers.

A local councellor told me last year that they make every effort to get the money, but some know the system and even if they are evicted they know the council has a legal obligation to rehouse them as they are classed as vulnerable.

To be fair to Sheffield he did say that they have a better record of reclaiming money than the majority of councils in the UK.

I must say I also agree on more protection for tenants in the cases of unreasonable rent increases and evictions.

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I must say I also agree on more protection for tenants in the cases of unreasonable rent increases and evictions.


I know benefit tenants that would prefer a private rented property that the housing benefit does not cover, she just pays the rest; so would Government be able to cap rents.

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What do you do when nobody offers their property for rent at the prices permitted by the state?



What will landlords do with their properties if they wont rent them out??

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I know benefit tenants that would prefer a private rented property that the housing benefit does not cover, she just pays the rest; so would Government be able to cap rents.

We went to visit a couple we know last year who live in a council house, I went in the downstairs lavatory and the latch got stuck, when I managed to open the door I said to him 'you should get that fixed' he said 'I know I'll ring the council'.

I offered him one I'd got in the garage after changing our internal doors. But he couldn't be bothered to take out half a dozen screws, I offered to do it but he wouldn't have it, and I could see we would finish up falling out.

That job will have probably cost the council well over a hundred quid, and even though he worked for fifty years they are on housing benefit for part of the rent and the rent they pay for a couple of weeks will be swallowed up by that job.

As its been said on here before maintenance and replacements in the house are some of the things that need to be considered when deciding to rent or buy.

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Guest makapaka

They should prevent people from owning more than 2 houses for a start. Let someone have an opportunity to invest in an extra property if they wish but that's the lot. It's wrong that you have people with these massive portfolios of property and others struggle to get somewhere.


You get these scenarios you see on daytime tv where buy to let people buy a bit of a bin and spend a few quid on it to get it something like, then you see the agent coming in and saying they can now let this for £600 etc. Take those buyers out of equation and let someone do that to their own home.


Doesn't have to be retroactive - just from now on you can't have your name (or company name whatever) on the deeds of more than one house.

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They should prevent people from owning more than 2 houses for a start. Let someone have an opportunity to invest in an extra property if they wish but that's the lot. It's wrong that you have people with these massive portfolios of property and others struggle to get somewhere.


You get these scenarios you see on daytime tv where buy to let people buy a bit of a bin and spend a few quid on it to get it something like, then you see the agent coming in and saying they can now let this for £600 etc. Take those buyers out of equation and let someone do that to their own home.


Doesn't have to be retroactive - just from now on you can't have your name (or company name whatever) on the deeds of more than one house.


Sounds like communism to me. No thanks.


Besides, speaking of people with property portfolios - do you think any of the late Duke of Westminster's property was in his name? I bet most were in the name of his company.

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