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Are the courts too soft?

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I'm saying that the opinion of a judge (which you are inferring from a single sentence) is not evidence.

The academic consensus AFAIK is that prison sentences are not a deterrent. Feel free to provide some counter evidence for my opinion, at which point I will consider it and may revise my opinion.


The section in bold is making me chuckle. You provide NO evidence, despite me asking for it. Yet you're going to dismiss my evidence because it doesn't match your preconceived opinion. And then you say that you won't further discuss it with me.

Hey, chuck your toys out, I'm not bothered, don't discuss with me. Whatever helps you sleep at night.


Jesus man, read the references in unbeliever's Wiki post!


---------- Post added 19-08-2016 at 20:53 ----------






Some words missing here then? "to others"...


Wrote that in another post. Quoted it. Redfox laughed at me for quoting myself.

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Jesus man, read the references in unbeliever's Wiki post!


You provide me the link, I'll read it. I'm not going off reading the references to a wiki link. That's not how it works.


Did I say "I have the evidence, just read the links that google provides", or did I actually provide a link and quote the relevant bits. Do your own work of proving your opinion, don't expect me to do it for you.

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You provide me the link, I'll read it. I'm not going off reading the references to a wiki link. That's not how it works.


Did I say "I have the evidence, just read the links that google provides", or did I actually provide a link and quote the relevant bits. Do your own work of proving your opinion, don't expect me to do it for you.


Can you agree I wrote 'deterrent to others' in a post about Huhne? I quoted myself to prove it which for some reason Redfox found amusing. Why is it amusing? I'm proving I wrote something!


Can you admit I said studies showed both the evidence for and against prison as a deterrent. Not one or the other!


I'm not trying to prove one of the other. I'm saying opinion is mixed. Christ almighty.


I have read the Wiki so I'm contented.


---------- Post added 19-08-2016 at 21:00 ----------


Any experience of the criminal justice system ? Just asking


Relevance being? Does that change what I wrote about Huhne or having an undecided opinion about whether prison is actually a deterrent?

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Relevance being? Does that change what I wrote about Huhne or having an undecided opinion about whether prison is actually a deterrent?


I'm sorry - you don't think it has any relevance or you do? I asked if you do - it may have informed an opinion that you have - 25 years of it has certainly informed mine. So i suppose I am in a position to have an informed view of the discussion. Do you have similar experience or not?

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I'm sorry - you don't think it has any relevance or you do? I asked if you do - it may have informed an opinion that you have - 25 years of it has certainly informed mine. So i suppose I am in a position to have an informed view of the discussion. Do you have similar experience or not?


Sorry, I don't want to play with you. You accused me of not knowing what deterrence was. When I quoted myself to prove to you and Cyclone I had used the phrase 'deterrent to others' you laughed and asked if you could have what I'm drinking. Very amusing. Why not admit the mistake you made?


Besides which I don't know for certain that the prison sentence was entirely general deterrence despite the media publicity around the case. There was probably specific deterrence as well. Do you think Huhne will ever do that again? Which type of deterrence did you think I didn't know about?


---------- Post added 19-08-2016 at 21:44 ----------


You can't GIVE someone a sentence as a deterrent. They've already committed the crime in order to be convicted obviously.


Errr turns out yes you can. It's called specific deterrence. It is used to deter the person from committing further crimes. Obviously it's not used to deter the crime for which they have been charged because as you say it has already been committed. Why would you think I thought you could give someone a sentence to deter them from doing the crime they have already done? Where I have I written anything that suggests anything remotely like that?


Oddly redfox 25 years expert didn't call us on that. Oh well.......though if I had that experience I'd frankly be embarrassed for not picking someone up on that. Wouldn't you Cyclone?


Can't believe I'm missing GBR Gold Medal hockey for you!

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