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Tax Credit overpayments

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I had an overpayment it was the last payment due I told them in advance that they would be overpaying me and was told to wait until the following year when I would receive a bill from them I did and paid it they have the right to take the payment from your bank account but must warn you about it first even if it is their mistake they can claim it back

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They can't get blood out of a stone! I've written to them telling them they're going to have to take us to court because if we don't have it they can't take it!


You must have some income so they can take it from that. If it's their official mistake you may be able to escape liability. Otherwise they'll get it back or try to.


I wouldn't get too uppity with them. If they take you to court you'll only get court costs on top. Negotiate affordable repayments even if it's only a fiver a week or so.

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I'll take my chances. I'm not paying for their mistake! They can't have what I haven't got.


Sticking your fingers in your ears and going na na na na na won't look good in court.


If as you say it's their fault then with a sound mind and argument you could get off the overpayment.


If however you behave like an immature child then it's not going to look good to a decision-maker.

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Friend of mine had overpayment once.

They adjusted his future payments to account for difference.

But he was still entitled to claim.

If you are not entitled just write them a letter offering as much as you can.

Even if it will be 1 pound per month.

Don't go stupid, you will loose.

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My sister's husband moved out of the family home when their baby was 4 months old. She claimed Child Tax Credits and Income Support. She received a letter saying that she was not entitled to claim Child tax Credits, when she rang HMRC they told her she is not a single person because he stills pays the mortgage. He does not pay any bills, does not live there and is in a relationship with someone else.


She is also told that they are going to claim back £1400 in over payments.


She went to CAB who told there that this is just the start as they will next take away her Income Support - the only thing she will be left with is Child Benefit of £20.70 a week. She will have to pay the bills out of this. Plus she is some how expected to pay back £1400. The only thing CAB could do was offer her a voucher for a foodbank.


She has thought about returning to work but because HMRC have decided she is in a couple she can't claim working tax credits. She just can't earn enough to cover the bills.


She is appealing their decision but not heard anything yet.

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