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Islam and English law..

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And before you decry the paper they are just printing fact like all the others or they could be sued. Its strange you can't look this up for yourself and have a go at me for telling the truth.


I really don't give a toss what the Daily Mail says, decry it is. You've been pointed directly at the source of the law regulating this and you have no sensible defence. To convince me you'll have to do better than posting a 'news'paper article.

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You know nothing about me. You just hate what doesn't sit right in your rose tinted world view. The thing about liberals is that they are mostly illiberal. For instance.... I bet you wish this thread was closed to stop debating something that makes you uncomfortable. The truth is hard to debate with some.


I have to work now and I wouldn't be surprised if you got this thread pulled by the time I get back. The old lefty chestnut of accusing an opponent of being racist, phobic. etc to try and shut down debate is well and truly dead. Have a great night.


Everyone on this thread has just asked you to back up your claims.

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You know nothing about me. You just hate what doesn't sit right in your rose tinted world view. The thing about liberals is that they are mostly illiberal. For instance.... I bet you wish this thread was closed to stop debating something that makes you uncomfortable. The truth is hard to debate with some.


I have to work now and I wouldn't be surprised if you got this thread pulled by the time I get back. The old lefty chestnut of accusing an opponent of being racist, phobic. etc to try and shut down debate is well and truly dead. Have a great night.


You are the first person to mention racism on this thread. Sorry your trolling didn't come off. Better luck next time, sir.

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If you are going to make claims then we expect you to back them up with a reputable source rather than just making unsubstantiated claims.


The law quoted by Easy livin is evidence that partially supports the OP's claim regarding polygamy.

It is the act of conducting a polygamous marriage that is illegal.

Unless that polygamous marriage takes place in a country where it is legal and the parties are domiciled in that country at that time.


Polygamy, per se is not illegal.

The UK benefits system does currently accept the existence of polygamous wives in respect of income replacement benefits. Addiditional sums paid to a polygamous claimant in respect of polygamous wives is actually far less than sums that they could claim as unattached individuals.


The polygamous allowances are being removed under the introduction of Universal Credit.



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And you think that is what he is doing?




---------- Post added 21-08-2016 at 23:48 ----------



One suspects the Daily Mail has put this bee in his bonnet....




I wonder if the same is true for Mormons? I look forward to his anti-Mormon tread.


Them blokes wi more than one wife must be crackers :hihi:

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Islam is a political ideology and it controls every aspect of the believers life.... I don't see it as a true religion where you are free to choose or not believe at all but rather as a controlling tool that is designed for the men folk to control women and kill them under the guise of "honour" when there is nothing honourable whatsoever in doing so because the so called believer thinks he has the right to take a life because he doesn't like a woman being independent.


Its more like a cult in my opinion and a dangerous one at that that uses our liberal laws against us to survive. It seems to prosper under our laws even though its incompatible with how most of us see and feel. I think we are too accommodating in how we allow a two tier law system to operate in this Country with Sharia courts having the upper hand for Muslims above and beyond how the rest of us are governed. For example, a Muslim man can have four wives with benefits paid to each one but if you or I taker more than one partner in marriage we could be jailed for up to 7yrs.


Is it not time we all lived under the same rules?


How do you imagine that Islam is different to Christianity or Scientology or any other religion?

What do you think about Jewish religious courts? Would it make you feel better if they were called "voluntary civil arbitration" instead of "court"?


You are factually incorrect in believing that Sharia can in any way overrule the laws of the land, it can't.

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As a rule the criticism of Islam is not permitted on this forum but it appears exceptions are made when the criticism is not as well presented as perhaps it might be.


Whilst Sharia does not supplant English Law there is a significant minority of Muslims who want Sharia and it is therefore something we need to be guarded against. According to a poll conducted as part of this documentary presented by Trevor Phillips (the former head of the Equality and Human Rights Commission), 23% of Muslims want Sharia law. That is a problem because Sharia is sexist, homophobic, discriminatory and an affront to British values that are entrenched in our laws.


The Law Society provided us with an excellent example of how political correctness, pandering to foreign born cultures and religion, can result in a betrayal of our own values and attempts to bastardise our own laws. They actually produced guidance to help their members write Sharia compliant wills that would discriminate against women, homosexuals and non-Muslims. Only when there was an outcry did they reluctantly withdraw the advice... story here by the Guardian.


We should not even tolerate 'voluntary' Sharia courts in this country... it just allows wrong thinking to go unchallenged and to perpetuate. What a shame it is that 'liberals' have left it to the right-wing press and extreme groups like the EDL to defend the values they betray. Challenging Sharia is now (in the minds of confused liberals) something done by the intolerant or racist... how perverse. :loopy:

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You know nothing about me. You just hate what doesn't sit right in your rose tinted world view.

Ironic that you talk about other people and hate.

The thing about liberals is that they are mostly illiberal. For instance.... I bet you wish this thread was closed to stop debating something that makes you uncomfortable. The truth is hard to debate with some.

Argh, the irony, it hurts.


I have to work now and I wouldn't be surprised if you got this thread pulled by the time I get back. The old lefty chestnut of accusing an opponent of being racist, phobic. etc to try and shut down debate is well and truly dead. Have a great night.

And ad hom as well. Can't actually provide any proof of your outrageous claims, so instead accuse everyone else of intolerant and attempting to get the thread closed.


Being liberal doesn't mean that people have to tolerate your hatemongering.


---------- Post added 22-08-2016 at 10:07 ----------


As a rule the criticism of Islam is not permitted on this forum but it appears exceptions are made when the criticism is not as well presented as perhaps it might be.

Not true at all. Hate speech and Islamaphobia are not permitted, the same applies if you were writing hate speech against Christians or Atheists.

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