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Bad driving on estate.

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That's the problem Isabelle, cars double parked on a narrow road, kids playing but yet they still seem to want to test the 0-62mph on a small stretch of road and I don't know if it's because I am getting old but it infuriates me. I don't want to approach the owners because I feel so angry at the time and I don't want to lose my rag. :rant::rant:


Is there a residents association? Try to start one, just get a few locals to meet up, in the village hall or pub.


Maybe better parking that allows kids to play in different areas, kids should not be near roads. Dont lose your temper, make things safer by the road layout, if its a brand new build, can the developers help? Speed bumps ;)

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Better parking to be magicked out of where?


Kids should be safe to play on the street outside their own homes. How do you think they could get to anywhere to play without "being near" roads?


Is that near roads, or on the road?

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How many people have to wait 10 mins and report before they 'react'?




Let's do a bit of big picture thinking here:

New estate, council has agreed to a provisional roadplan and thinks everything is fine. Turns out there are idiots racing up and down the street. The council of course is swimming in money and resources so has 10 council officers patrolling the estate to ensure it all operates well... oooohhhhoooorrrrr: people living on the estate ring the police to report it frequently enough that the council realises there is an issue and can take measures.


It really isn't rocket science, it is information science - if the source of information does not exist/is passive, the decision makers can not make a decision. As simple as that.

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Our estate is 20mph, and you can't really go much faster with all the cars parked on the road, which limit visibility and reduce the road to single file in places. It doesn't stop people trying to speed through though.


All residential streets across the city are being marked as 20 MPH, so presumably the OP's read will also be set as 20 once the houses are finished and the road adopted.

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Thanks for all the responses. It is an estate, their are children riding bikes, scooters and playing on skateboards it is not safe to be driving around at 40mph.


There is an online (facebook group) for the estate and a few people have commented on it about people driving far too fast but I doubt that will solve the issue.


I was hoping the police could pop round and have a quiet word, but my worry is that if these guys don't realise that what they're doing is selfish and irresponsible is a knock on the door from the police going to change anything. I will still report it as mentioned above if one of them is involved in an accident or does end up hitting someone or damaging someone's property maybe my report can be used as evidence.

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Yea it's always worth reporting.


If they end up piling into a parked car or something the police can look through their reports and see the car has a long history of driving too fast in that area, hopefully they can push for a stiffer penalty.

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