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What's Owen smith up to?

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Smith is after the young left vote. He will change his very changeable mind after the leadership election, which he will lose and the dustbin of history will close its lid on him


Mr Smith is worse than Mr Corbyn because at least Mr Corbyn usually keeps quiet while other people do the lying for him. Mr Smith says anything that comes into his head if he thinks that it suits the mood.


Jukes x

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Mr Smith is worse than Mr Corbyn because at least Mr Corbyn usually keeps quiet while other people do the lying for him. Mr Smith says anything that comes into his head if he thinks that it suits the mood.


Jukes x


But then isn't it just that the party membership have the choice between a pair of utter no hopers. It's like going to a restaurant where the options are boiled cabbage or boiled turnip. Most folk will take the third option and find another restaurant.

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He's aggrieved because people voted Brexit based on a shedload of lies, £350 Million to NHS, no more immigrants. Cornwall and Wales idiotically thinking the Tory London Government would give them their handouts.


He thinks that maybe they'll be more open to Europe when their money suddenly dries up.

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He's aggrieved because people voted Brexit based on a shedload of lies, £350 Million to NHS, no more immigrants. Cornwall and Wales idiotically thinking the Tory London Government would give them their handouts.


He thinks that maybe they'll be more open to Europe when their money suddenly dries up.


Let's face it we were all let down by the quality of both official campaigns.


Both lied utterly brazenly. It was the worst and most deceitful political campaign that has ever been staged in this country. In hindsight it's hard to believe that was even allowed to happen.


As it was a advisory referendum only it is hard to believe that any politician would take us out the EU off the back of it.


It needs to be revisited, and to be fair we now have some more idea of the likely effects and some idea of the available trade models. These can be presented factually to the electorate rather than packs of lies we had before.


Of course for remainers there is a risk and that is that the vote in favour of Brexit increases and it cements the decision to leave. So be it if that happens. I would rather that than remain politicians clinging to the narrowness of the result and using it for political reasons.

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Of course for remainers there is a risk and that is that the vote in favour of Brexit increases and it cements the decision to leave. So be it if that happens. I would rather that than remain politicians clinging to the narrowness of the result and using it for political reasons.


doesn't that depend what the alternatives are?


it's alright having a vote where option (a) is whatever deal the three brexiteers negotiate but's what's option (b)?


there has been no coherent statement from either the government or the exit camp as to what sort of a deal they want and the consequences of it.

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Racists don't have the cognitive ability to be racist to multiple ethnic groups at once. Kinda like an elderly person eating peas. One at a time :)


If the people who seem to go to a Donald Trump rally are anything to go by that's probably true, sems to Mexicans at the moment (Personally Mexico is my favourite country, charming, friendly people).

And what on Earth Nigel Farrage thinks he'll gain by going to a Trump rally I can't imagine, proper palm slapped on forehead moment.


Off topic, apologise.

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These are presumably the same young people who were pretty much the only group not to bother voting in the referendum.

They didn't get out of bed to vote. What makes you think that they'll get out to riot.


I think you're being unfair there....they've shown themselves to be quite energetic when playing Pokémon Go!

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