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Once the wars are over.

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We in Sheffield can be proud of our City of sanctuary teaching immigrants new skills along with free education as to how a democracy works.

However the question must arise as to what happens when all the wars are over, when the Country"s such as Syria , Somalia, Iraq along with other Eastern and African Countries then need these citizens to return home and help to rebuild their own economy and infrastructure .

Will these people be flocking back ( not only from the U.K but Europe as a whole ) or will they just ignore the situation and remain in the Country"s that provided sanctuary in the first place.

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Having spoken to a fair few people from that area they do generally wish to move back, and they are quite up front about it, you don't even have to ask as they'll bring it up themselves.


They are well aware of the situation though, and absolutely won't go home if it's still dangerous.

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A man from Syria we know recently lost his sister and her family to a bomb. His parents were already dead. There is very little for him to go back to other than bad memories. However, a Lybian I know is very keen to return once the country settles, he came here as a political refugee (upset Khadaffi somehow) years ago. He too lost family members but he wants to help create the Lybia he knows it can be.


It is different for everybody.

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I knew someone who's family were originally from Homs, they left there when fighting started moving to Yemen.

Only a few short years later Yemen descended into chaos and they were refugees once more.


You can understand that some people will move back, but only when it's definitely stable again, not some brokered half-peace in a shattered land.

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We in Sheffield can be proud of our City of sanctuary teaching immigrants new skills along with free education as to how a democracy works.

However the question must arise as to what happens when all the wars are over, when the Country"s such as Syria , Somalia, Iraq along with other Eastern and African Countries then need these citizens to return home and help to rebuild their own economy and infrastructure .

Will these people be flocking back ( not only from the U.K but Europe as a whole ) or will they just ignore the situation and remain in the Country"s that provided sanctuary in the first place.


If you fled a civil war and invasion and settled somewhere else for a decade and made a life for yourself (and your children). Do you think you'd leave again the minute someone declared it 'safe'?

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Sheffield and Rotherham were places where refugees from Kosovo placed.

The number that stayed on after the war ended will surely be in statistics somewhere.

This could give a sort of guide.

I assume many will have a life here and not wish to go back, just as many Poles did after WW11

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Samssong, you said when " All the wars are over.' Nice thought and wish it would come about one day. But this is the Middle East, where wars have gone on for 5,000 years.

Many of the immigrants/refugees the UK has taken in over past 30 years are from the Middle East and eastern Europe. Most of these countries do not have a history of a "One man one vote" system, and the ME states don't intend to, in their drive to have only religion manage and direct the government. So not a progressive environment to go back to.

So I believe many immigrants will stay put once they have jobs, speak English, have children and settle down. Some entreprenurial types may drift back to help to rebuild, but ME politics will keep most immigrants/refugees in the UK and the other western countries they have moved to.

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A man from Syria we know recently lost his sister and her family to a bomb. His parents were already dead. There is very little for him to go back to other than bad memories. However, a Lybian I know is very keen to return once the country settles, he came here as a political refugee (upset Khadaffi somehow) years ago. He too lost family members but he wants to help create the Lybia he knows it can be.


It is different for everybody.


I think this post sums it up

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