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Guys, where do you put your loose change?

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I only carry change if I'm going to be paying to park or going out for food to leave as a tip. Contactless or notes for most small purchases, credit card for everything else (so I get my Tesco points).


Any change from spending notes goes in a dish at home and then when it piles up to over £50 I change it.

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I can't stand the sound of men jingling coins in their pockets, or guys walking around with their hands in their pockets, come to think of it, it appears so slothenly. In fact it must wear out their pockets and weigh down their trousers or track suit bottoms, which contribute to their trousers hanging half way down their crutch. :gag:

Do guys use those leather coin only purses?

What do you do with your loose change guys?


I tend to throw mine in people's toilets, at parties. It doesn't usually flush away and eventually someone will have to go in and retrieve it :)

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I'm very exacting in my demands for any new wallet. A good wallet will last years and can be carried in a back pocket or man bag. But it must have a coin compartment:



I clear it out regularly and hoard the small change in a tray. Then I bag it up and bank it every few years.

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I hope you remember to make a wish.☺


When I last went to use an automated-locking toilet in town, I wished I'd saved some change for it :(


---------- Post added 25-08-2016 at 15:30 ----------


I'm very exacting in my demands for any new wallet. A good wallet will last years and can be carried in a back pocket or man bag. But it must have a coin compartment:



I clear it out regularly and hoard the small change in a tray. Then I bag it up and bank it every few years.


What do you actually keep in your wallet?

(I don't have one)

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I'm not a man but I use a wallet because you can fit them in your pocket, well some pockets anyway as many women's trousers have small pockets. So then you expected to buy a massive purse and an even bigger bag to shove it in.


Needed a new one and I couldn't tell from the description from on eBay that it was one of the ones without a pocket for coins. What is the point of that, unless you never use cash - which even though I don't use it that often there are still times where I have to and I suspect most people carry some cash.


I put all the small stuff in the kid's piggy bank when it gets full.

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