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Do you use a cleaner? What do they do?

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Better ask the domestic help;)


I did (we get on well) and this is what she would say: Tim don't be daft, because I work as a cleaner I have something to do and I get to go on holiday 4 times a year!


She is in her fifties and grew up believing women could maybe amount to secretary if they were allowed to school.


Will you address that point now, or are you really going to pretend to be emancipated by arguing all people employing cleaners are evil human beings for making more money than you do?


---------- Post added 31-03-2016 at 19:23 ----------


Surely it's better to provide employment than put it in the bank!


100% right!

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As a part time warden helping old and disabled folk to go about their basic every day tasks , I often get asked if I would clean for the daughter or other relation of my clients.


This always gets me rather angry as the said relation is in most cases just an every day worker just like my self.


These people may have jobs in what they consider to be of higher value than a mere manual worker but usually they are on a forty hour five day week.


Now my point is why do they think that their life style is so important that they would need a cleaner, maid or domestic servant?.


Why can they not clean up for themselves , why do they think that some one else should swill out their bog or pick and put their soiled nickers in the washer this on top of dusting ,window cleaning, hoovering and generally keeping their nice little abode spick and span while they have coffee with the girls, golf with the lads or ride a stationary bike at the gym. (usually reached by BMW or Volvo when they could just walk any way.


Most people of my generation have brought kids up while working part time this on top of performing all their own domestic tasks ,digging the garden, and decorating the home. So what has happened that many in todays yummy mummy, daddy ,society think that they are not capable or indeed above cleaning up their own mess and instead decide to get a woman( usually anyway) in.


My god what a load of unnecessary and pointless bile.


I don't clean and choose to pay for a cleaner. I am not green fingered whatsoever and choose to pay for a gardener. I cant iron to save my life so choose to get my clothing laundered by someone else. I certainly don't wash my own car and choose to pay for a gang of foreigners to do it for me.


Im busy running my business and looking after my family. I want to spent what little spare time I have doing other things and certainly not domestic chores. Its my choice to spend some of my earned income to pay for someone else to do that.


Will it make your head explode if I suggest that I also have staff to type my letters, answer my phone and run errands for me too.


Its providing work to people. What's your problem?


There are 1001 things people COULD do themselves. There are lots of services that people COULD manage without.


Wouldn't do much for the job market though would it.

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I did (we get on well) and this is what she would say: Tim don't be daft, because I work as a cleaner I have something to do and I get to go on holiday 4 times a year!


She is in her fifties and grew up believing women could maybe amount to secretary if they were allowed to school.


Will you address that point now, or are you really going to pretend to be emancipated by arguing all people employing cleaners are evil human beings for making more money than you do?


---------- Post added 31-03-2016 at 19:23 ----------



100% right!

Well some of the aristocracy are up themselves as can be seen by watching various documentaries on T.V.

But my observation of many folk who have a woman in to clean the bog is that they are just blooody lazy sods.


As to women thinking that they could be a secretory or similar then that is a very sexist statement to make especially as in this Country one has made prime minister while the other is a Queen.


Every body makes more money than me except the paper girl who'm I always tip due to her setting an example to all the little darlings who rise their feet while sitting on the couch playing on the I pad( so as mummy's domestic help can hoover around their feet).


---------- Post added 31-03-2016 at 20:00 ----------


My god what a load of unnecessary and pointless bile.


I don't clean and choose to pay for a cleaner. I am not green fingered whatsoever and choose to pay for a gardener. I cant iron to save my life so choose to get my clothing laundered by someone else. I certainly don't wash my own car and choose to pay for a gang of foreigners to do it for me.


Im busy running my business and looking after my family. I want to spent what little spare time I have doing other things and certainly not domestic chores. Its my choice to spend some of my earned income to pay for someone else to do that.


Will it make your head explode if I suggest that I also have staff to type my letters, answer my phone and run errands for me too.


Its providing work to people. What's your problem?


There are 1001 things people COULD do themselves. There are lots of services that people COULD manage without.


Wouldn't do much for the job market though would it.

I do not have a problem and hope that you lead a happy and fruitful life ,by the way who typed this reply for you:hihi:

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Every body makes more money than me except the paper girl who'm I always tip due to her setting an example to all the little darlings who rise their feet while sitting on the couch playing on the I pad( so as mummy's domestic help can hoover around their feet).


Tell me more, where do you work, what education did you complete, how old are you. Because your viewpoint on this is positively comparable to that of a 1970s miners wife with 10 children.

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I do not have a problem and hope that you lead a happy and fruitful life ,by the way who typed this reply for you:hihi:


Well clearly you do have a problem otherwise you would not have made such sniping comments and assumptions about certain types of people.


Your post is far beyond a casual enquiry about who and why people have cleaners.


Shall I just remind you what you said less than 14 posts ago. It seems to have been erased from your selective mind.



Now my point is why do they think that their life style is so important that they would need a cleaner, maid or domestic servant?.


Why can they not clean up for themselves , why do they think that some one else should swill out their bog or pick and put their soiled nickers in the washer this on top of dusting ,window cleaning, hoovering and generally keeping their nice little abode spick and span while they have coffee with the girls, golf with the lads or ride a stationary bike at the gym. (usually reached by BMW or Volvo when they could just walk any way.


Most people of my generation have brought kids up while working part time this on top of performing all their own domestic tasks ,digging the garden, and decorating the home. So what has happened that many in todays yummy mummy, daddy ,society think that they are not capable or indeed above cleaning up their own mess and instead decide to get a woman( usually anyway) in.

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As a part time warden helping old and disabled folk to go about their basic every day tasks , I often get asked if I would clean for the daughter or other relation of my clients.


This always gets me rather angry as the said relation is in most cases just an every day worker just like my self.


These people may have jobs in what they consider to be of higher value than a mere manual worker but usually they are on a forty hour five day week.


Now my point is why do they think that their life style is so important that they would need a cleaner, maid or domestic servant?.


Why can they not clean up for themselves , why do they think that some one else should swill out their bog or pick and put their soiled nickers in the washer this on top of dusting ,window cleaning, hoovering and generally keeping their nice little abode spick and span while they have coffee with the girls, golf with the lads or ride a stationary bike at the gym. (usually reached by BMW or Volvo when they could just walk any way.


Most people of my generation have brought kids up while working part time this on top of performing all their own domestic tasks ,digging the garden, and decorating the home. So what has happened that many in todays yummy mummy, daddy ,society think that they are not capable or indeed above cleaning up their own mess and instead decide to get a woman( usually anyway) in.


I employ a cleaner because value my free time more highly than the amount of money I pay her. Basic stuff.

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I employ a gardener because I suffer quite badly with an allergy to manual labour plus I do genuinely get pretty bad hayfever. I can earn more money getting my work done instead of wasting time cutting grass and the gardener is earning a crust as well. Win win surely?

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Every body makes more money than me except the paper girl who'm I always tip due to her setting an example to all the little darlings who rise their feet while sitting on the couch playing on the I pad( so as mummy's domestic help can hoover around their feet).



You have a paper girl? How very dare you!

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You have a paper girl? How very dare you!


Quite. OP, get off your last fat ass and fetch your own paper. Better still, print your own: I mean, why should on earth should the newspaper printers be printing YOUR paper? Lazy sod!



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I don't know if people use cleaners anymore than they did years ago....Personally I much prefer to clean up my own mess rather than have someone else do it - though knowing me I'd probably tidy up before the cleaner arrived, lest she thought I was dirty sod!


To the OP, I wouldn't get too angry with your clients in them asking to clean for their relatives - in some ways it's a compliment: they obviously think that you're trustworthy, reliable, not too proud to get stuck in and do a good job.


---------- Post added 01-04-2016 at 07:36 ----------


Don't be daft, you are missing out the key-point of my post, I will repeat for your benefit: People who can AFFORD IT and for whom freeing up time is more valuable than the relatively low cost of employing a cleaner.


It is that simple. It is the same as telling people it is stupid to buy prepared meals instead of cooking themselves because that is cheaper. Convenience, it makes life a lot better.


PS - you missed out the second point and I'd like you to answer it: Is emancipation of women a bad thing?


I think the OP possibly feels put upon....In some respects, if I was in his/her position I'd probably feel the same.

I know it sounds a bit weird but I wouldn't mind cleaning up after the elderly or disabled, as they can't manage it by themselves - but, if I'm honest, I would feel resentful if the person I was cleaning for was, as the OP said, going to the gym or drinking lattes in Starbucks or wherever.

Edited by Mister M
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