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Do you use a cleaner? What do they do?

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Well it looks as though their are some very smug posters on this thread who seem to believe that they are some how not to be involved with the more mundane tasks of life and indeed live on a different planet than the lower orders..


Did you spin the cotton to make the thread for your own clothes?


Did you stitch them on your own machine?


How about the milk - you milk your own cow I presume?


And of course you never have a takeaway.


Bet you don't get taxis either - imagine paying someone to drive you!


I have a cleaner. I'm a lazy sod. I'd rather bung Mabel £10 an hour and let her do it than do it myself. I've got the money spare for that, she likes earning it, and everyone, apart from you, is happy. So that's good then.

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I bet their tripadvisor reviews are a hoot.


"Unbelievable! Packed with snobs who have no idea about the real world! Table after table demanding that the chefs cook them food and it to be brought to their table. Do these people think they are royalty???? Yet it was me (who had naturally brought a packed lunch and assured the downtrodden staff I would be making no demands of them) who was told to leave!!! Madness!'


That has made me laugh. Just picturing them in Ikea whittling their own table legs muttering about how the people around them are too lazy to make their own beds.

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Well it looks as though their are some very smug posters on this thread who seem to believe that they are some how not to be involved with the more mundane tasks of life and indeed live on a different planet than the lower orders.



Like going down to the newsagents and picking your own paper up, do you mean?

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Well it looks as though their are some very smug posters on this thread who seem to believe that they are some how not to be involved with the more mundane tasks of life and indeed live on a different planet than the lower orders.


Some of the folk who I visit have family's who see them only once in a blue moon due to their busy lives ,these busy lives inc gym visits , golfing, lattes with the lasses, drinkies with the lads ,so on and so on . meanwhile old mum ,dad ,grandma, grandad are being attended by the warden on a daily basis , the warden listens to the tales of days gone by when the said gym attending wine drinking loves were still kids.


Then once in the blue moon Debs or Daniel turn up and like a whirlwind rush around moms flat full of what they are going to do once they have the latest trip to Cannes or the Lakes out of the way .


On leaving one or two will say "Ask the warden to !!!!!!!!!" etc or as I stated in my original post " do you think they would do a little cleaning for me"


Sorry luvs but we have enough on looking after lonely old Gran and Grandad while you are having drinkies at the wine bar.


Your worldview is rather pathetic.

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Did you spin the cotton to make the thread for your own clothes?


Did you stitch them on your own machine?


How about the milk - you milk your own cow I presume?


And of course you never have a takeaway.


Bet you don't get taxis either - imagine paying someone to drive you!


I have a cleaner. I'm a lazy sod. I'd rather bung Mabel £10 an hour and let her do it than do it myself. I've got the money spare for that, she likes earning it, and everyone, apart from you, is happy. So that's good then.


This must be the first topic on SF on which everyone apart form the OP is in agreement. :)

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I assumed an April Fool until I saw it was posted yesterday. Surely no one can have such a jaded, miserable world view as that. Woe is me for my life choices, I'm jealous of people who have done better than I, where is the revolution etc.


'Trouble up mill' springs to mind

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