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Traingate Smear Falls Apart

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If you look at the figures on both polls you'll see JC's satisfaction rating has worsened since your poll....is it a good sign when Labours own supporters think May is doings better job than JC?


Unsurprising given the coup


Meanwhile 285 CLPs just voted for Jeremy, leaving only 53 for Smith


That's 84% in Jeremy Corbyn's favour




---------- Post added 25-08-2016 at 18:48 ----------


Meanwhile....Branson tries to secure his billions:




And this happened




Disgusting May scraps the Human Rights Act :mad: :mad:

Edited by Solomon1
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It seems obvious there was a point to be made but Corbyn did it in the wrong way.


Trains are crowded. Quite often you walk through carriage after carriage with reserved seats. Quite often you end up standing either in the aisle or in the vestibules. Quite often you can't get seats together unless you book in advance. Quite often people put their luggage on the seats preventing others from sitting down. Most trains are like that, especially commuter trains, but any train can be like that at any time. Even at 11am these problems can happen, say if services on another route are disrupted or a previous train has been cancelled etc...


It is often very frustrating to be a rail traveller these days. It is obvious it is a system designed to maximise profit as its key focus. Simple things like not being able to buy reasonably priced tickets on the day of travel, or having to pay extortionate prices for wifi access.


Corbyn is right about everything he says. All of it.


The question is why did he feel the need to fake the fact he had to sit in the vestibule on that train when he clearly didn't need to. He could have just highlighted the various genuine observations he made. Instead he turned it into overly political grandstanding and I think that is an insight into problems with him as a leader. It brings his integrity into question.

Edited by I1L2T3
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Unsurprising given the coup


Meanwhile 285 CLPs just voted for Jeremy, leaving only 53 for Smith


That's 84% in Jeremy Corbyn's favour


---------- Post added 25-08-2016 at 18:48 ----------


Meanwhile....Branson tries to secure his billions:




And this happened




Disgusting May scraps the Human Rights Act :mad: :mad:






Sol you will be telling us next that since he was made leader the fact Labour have secured by election victories means he will lead the party to Downing Street - its quite worrying people close to him (or he himself) actually believe this.

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Sol you will be telling us next that since he was made leader the fact Labour have secured by election victories means he will lead the party to Downing Street - its quite worrying people close to him (or he himself) actually believe this.


People are SO fickle


And Jeremy Corbyn, Leader of the Labour Party




His popularity will continue to grow


Once the coup is quashed :nod:

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and whilst just about everyone in the media is talking about this non story, the Tories are taking further action to scrap the bill of human rights...


Hey, dont look over there, look over here :mad:


The article says:


"She clarified at the same time that there would be ‘no parliamentary majority’ for the withdrawal of the UK from the European Convention on Human Rights."


So no chance of it happening then (at least during this Parliament), because the ECHR is nothing to do with the EU. Britain was one of the leading architects of this, so its not exactly "europe" imposing its will on us anyway (unless the issue is people think currently european courts are misinterpreting it in ways never intended by Britain?).

Edited by nightrider
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Speaking to a full hall or well attended rally (and if you think a few thousand in Barkers Pool is well attended go when the BNP march and you will see a rather fuller and better attended event)......


Are you being serious? The far right get hardly gets 100 people to any of its events these days. The better attended ones are only so because different factions turn up to kill each other.


---------- Post added 25-08-2016 at 19:26 ----------


But the train was full....


Labour might do a lot better if people as immature as you weren't its spokespersons.

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Are you being serious? The far right get hardly gets 100 people to any of its events these days. The better attended ones are only so because different factions turn up to kill each other.


I seem to remember thousands turning up to far right marches - massive police operations at great cost - stopping us sheffield folk wandering past coles.



You either missed the point I was making deliberately or just didn't get it at all.


As for Sol - I think he's pulling everyones chain ever so slightly - no-one can possibly think Jez is capable of being elected PM, i know his inner sanctum and the momentum mob do but they are utterly deluded.


He may of course be an ardent fan of the man and can't see the wood for the trees. Anyone who continues to support a leader whose parliamentary members have given up on him, whose popularity in many polls is on its backside and who seems incapable of working out what the right strategy is to take his policies and his party forward so the people can have any idea what he stands for.


All of this is before we get anywhere near an election when the press will absolutely hammer him constantly and when he will not be able to afford the type of PR disaster that we have seen with the train journey. If Sol seriously believes by his actions he has highlighted the problems on our transport system then I tend to agree with you LeM - he should stop trying to be a spokesperson - cos it aint working very well at all.

Edited by nikki-red
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I seem to remember thousands turning up to far right marches - massive police operations at great cost - stopping us sheffield folk wandering past coles.


You either missed the point I was making deliberately or just didn't get it at all.


That was 3 years ago, long after it became John Lewis.


See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXyxdY2PToM for a hundred or so EDL rushing the coppers. When the camera turns round see how many more anti-EDL there are.

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