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Traingate Smear Falls Apart

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You'd think Corbyn's team, or even Corbyn himself, would have had the forethought of booking a seat in advance, especially considering


a) Apparently the trains are impossibly overcrowded*

b) Corbyn doesn't have a car so should be an experienced train traveller

c) It's ridiculous for a leading MP to not plan his movements in advance

d) It's cheaper


*according to Corbyn


I believe he got on the train at it's starting station, so he could have booked a seat up to two hours before he got on the train. So at 9 AM he could have booked it online if the train left at 11.


The entire adventure reeks of a man cutting his nose off to score a political point, which has backfired terribly. It highlights Corbyn (and his staff's) ineptitude at carrying out the basics of life, such as booking a train journey in advance, getting your tax declaration in on time, managing a political party etc, and makes you wonder how many other videos and accounts he's made that are stage managed rubbish.


If he wanted to make a political point then NOT booking a seat would be the thing to do. By not having a seat then he can highlight the challenges in finding one. If you're a regular train traveller then you will have experienced the same problems, or often seen people experiencing problems getting settled after boarding a train.


So far so good. If Corbyn wanted to make a political point about the silly games the train companies play then why play along with the game by booking seats?


As I said earlier where it went wrong is the stunt of sitting on the floor in the vestibule, and that detracted from the important and valid point he was attempting to make.


---------- Post added 25-08-2016 at 21:38 ----------


Thank goodness you don't run the rail service, whether in private hands or public.


I can't see anything wrong with Justin's post. Tell us what is wrong with it.

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The bbc has become a national disgrace after traingate


Totally agreed mate :thumbsup:


---------- Post added 25-08-2016 at 22:44 ----------


See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXyxdY2PToM for a hundred or so EDL rushing the coppers. When the camera turns round see how many more anti-EDL there are.


Hahahaaa! :hihi:


---------- Post added 25-08-2016 at 22:45 ----------


Electable to who? You know that winning traditional Labour support is never enough to win a general election right? Labour needs to swing significant Tory support in large numbers to even stand a chance. It is not going to happen with Corbyn


Well we'll just have to see


Won't we :)


---------- Post added 25-08-2016 at 22:45 ----------


For telling the truth about a train with unoccupied seats? :loopy:


For spinning a non-story


Just because it's Corbyn :loopy:

Edited by Solomon1
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Now thats not very nice is it? It is hardly my fault if your unable to see the point I was trying - and acknowledged I had failed - to get across.


Your point was that the BNP could get over 2,500 people to a demo in Sheffield. The BNP doesn't even have that many members nationally these days. Your evidence was an EDL demo from 3 years ago which had a few hundred demonstrators at best. Since then it's shrunk a lot more.


My point is that you made a claim you couldn't substantiate and that your ego went into cover up mode rather than admit your error.

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Thank goodness you don't run the rail service, whether in private hands or public.


One thing about this whole episode which has probably not been noticed, is that in Richard Branson`s tweet (or whatever it was), "prebooking your seat was advisable". That really annoyed me. The privatised railway are trying to get everyone to do that for a whole load of reasons, not least that if you prebook a ticket on a particular train that train operating company gets all the income (as opposed to a proportion of it). But there`s a deeper theme here, I think it`s a very retrograde step that it`s becoming expected that travellers prebook their seat, not "just" turn up and go. If we want to get people out of their cars then giving them flexibility in their transport without ripping them off, or implying they might not even et a seat, is vital. Why the hell should train passenger have to lose even more of the flexibility advantage that a car gives them ? One of the main reasons the country is subsidising the railways, even no rail users, is to get car drivers out of their cars !


Sorry, rather than being personal, always a bad idea anywhere, especially on a forum, what exactly do you mean ? What is it I said in my post which you found so incredible ? It`s all true. The TOCs (train operating companies) are trying desperately to ween the Great British public off turn up and go travel, I think that`s a big negative for the reasons I gave.

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A schoolboy error from Corbyn.


---------- Post added 25-08-2016 at 09:02 ----------


At least it was only really a little white lie and not a huge big whopper like a previous Labour leader told about weapons of mass destruction :suspect:


Well to do a Blair you need to be Prime Minister. At least we are all forewarned about our Jezza.

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SO pedantic :hihi:


Jeez you're hard work sometimes!!

You started this thread thinking that Corbyn was owed an apology, I've pointed out that he was clearly being "creative" with the truth (lying/exaggerating/mistaken, whichever version of non-truth upsets you least). You think it's pedantic to point out that you're wrong?


There was the odd seat free

And as the journey progressed


More became free


If that was me and my other half


We'd sit on the floor too


Rather than being in different carriages


You're saying there was only one free seat in each carriage?



Are you saying that one would have to be there?


You are hilarious :hihi:

No, I'm saying that if you want to be passionate about the truth, don't jump to conclusions when there's not enough information or evidence to come to a likely conclusion.


---------- Post added 26-08-2016 at 10:21 ----------


Poor old Owen Smith :(






What does this have to do with the thread? It just comes across as an indication of your bias (conveyed with a rather immature attitude).

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