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Traingate Smear Falls Apart

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Oh, I dunno. Maybe it was the combination of;


- Posting a link that ridicules Owen (again, someone who I'm neither for or against), which has absolutely nothing to do with this thread topic whatsoever and wasn't in response to any related post


- The faux/sarcastic pity for him


- The combination of laughing grin and party banana emoticons


I'm rather bemused by the vitriol that so called Labour supporters will splash out on their own MPs.

There was a time not much more than a year ago when Labour considered the Tories to be the enemy. Now it seems the real enemy are their own MPs and voters who aren't "on message".


So now Sadiq Khan, who in May was the party's darling, having become London Mayor and demonstrated the successful leadership of Jezza, is now the enemy within. So presumably his victory in London was despite Jezza.


This is all very confusing and I'm not sure that it's the way to win general elections. Mind you neither is lying about having to sit on the floor on a train.



Edited by pacifica
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Opinion piece in the Telegraph points out how the word 'smear' seems to have lost meaning, and now even documented facts (like being on a non ram packed train) are labelled as 'smears' if they are unhelpful to the cause.


In my world a smear has to be based on false information.



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Opinion piece in the Telegraph points out how the word 'smear' seems to have lost meaning, and now even documented facts (like being on a non ram packed train) are labelled as 'smears' if they are unhelpful to the cause.


In my world a smear has to be based on false information.




But the thread title is correct. Corbyn's tried to smear Virgin Trains. But the smear fell apart when Virgin demonstrated he was er "economical" with the truth.

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But the thread title is correct. Corbyn's tried to smear Virgin Trains. But the smear fell apart when Virgin demonstrated he was er "economical" with the truth.


Ha yes true, you could read the title in that way, as you point out that would make the title truthful.


The article that was linked to in the first post however (and so presumably where the thread title came from) uses 'traingate smear' to mean Virgin trains trying to smear Corbyn.

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I'm rather bemused by the vitriol that so called Labour supporters will splash out on their own MPs.

There was a time not much more than a year ago when Labour considered the Tories to be the enemy. Now it seems the real enemy are their own MPs and voters who aren't "on message".


So now Sadiq Khan, who in May was the party's darling, having become London Mayor and demonstrated the successful leadership of Jezza, is now the enemy within. So presumably his victory in London was despite Jezza.


This is all very confusing and I'm not sure that it's the way to win general elections. Mind you neither is lying about having to sit on the floor on a train.




theyve split, i can see a new party forming very soon

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"It's absolutely obvious that Virgin Trains decided to ignore the UK data protection law in order to leak CCTV images to the press because they know that rail renationalisation would mean an end to their lucrative taxpayer bankrolled profit-extraction monopolies, and obeying the law of the land is clearly secondary to protecting their commercial interests"



Corbyn was being filmed by his pr people, when he released his complaint to the media, before virgin counteracted his claim. So was it ok for Corbyn to ignore the law of the land.

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Corbyn was being filmed by his pr people, when he released his complaint to the media, before virgin counteracted his claim. So was it ok for Corbyn to ignore the law of the land.


What law has Corbyn broken by filming?

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I'm rather bemused by the vitriol that so called Labour supporters will splash out on their own MPs.

There was a time not much more than a year ago when Labour considered the Tories to be the enemy. Now it seems the real enemy are their own MPs and voters who aren't "on message".


So now Sadiq Khan, who in May was the party's darling, having become London Mayor and demonstrated the successful leadership of Jezza, is now the enemy within. So presumably his victory in London was despite Jezza.


This is all very confusing and I'm not sure that it's the way to win general elections. Mind you neither is lying about having to sit on the floor on a train.




Labour has gone from the Blairite model of ignoring voters concerns when it won't enable them to grab power to ignoring voters concerns for "ideological purity" reasons.

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