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Traingate Smear Falls Apart

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Well it kinda does!!


Jeremy has managed to throw a huge spotlight


On prices and lack of seats on trains


And that the answer is to renationalise our trains


Puts more money in OUR pockets


Instead of blimmin shareholders :mad:


except no-one is really talking about that because he has managed to become the story himself instead.

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"In the 5 years that the East Coast Mainline was run by the public sector, it returned almost 1 billion to the tax payer, as well as increasing passenger numbers and improving punctuality. No wonder a government ideologically obsessed with privatisation was so embarrassed by this success, that it bundled it back to the private sector as soon as it could" ~ Caroline Lucas


It's amazing how much profit can be returned when in those five years no money was spent on increasing train stock or refurbishing the existing stock isn't it? The whole service was run on a day by day basis, with no plan for investment or improvement.


Contrast that with the new operator, Virgin/Stagecoach, who is putting on more services, more trains and replacing all the existing Intercity stock with brand new Hitachi SuperExpress trains from the end of 2018 and is on track to return a profit of 3 billion in 8 years.


Already punctuality and customer satisfaction is on the up.

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Sounds unlikely, given Jez got himself a set at 11:45 - more than one hour before the first scheduled stop.


Hear it from people who were actually there




---------- Post added 25-08-2016 at 16:44 ----------


“I was already sitting on the floor between the carriages because there wasn’t enough room for me and my two children to get seats or enough space to store our luggage. I saw Jeremy sitting on the floor between carriages further up the train and spoke to him there.


There were plenty of other people sitting on the floor throughout the train, it was very overcrowded and as a regular traveller I don’t find that unusual at all. Luckily during the journey the train did become less full and we were able to find seats, as did Jeremy, in standard class.”

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Hear it from people who were actually there




---------- Post added 25-08-2016 at 16:44 ----------


“I was already sitting on the floor between the carriages because there wasn’t enough room for me and my two children to get seats or enough space to store our luggage. I saw Jeremy sitting on the floor between carriages further up the train and spoke to him there.


There were plenty of other people sitting on the floor throughout the train, it was very overcrowded and as a regular traveller I don’t find that unusual at all. Luckily during the journey the train did become less full and we were able to find seats, as did Jeremy, in standard class.”


The cctv and the Corbyn camp's own recent statements contradict this - the latter have now admitted there were seats, but they wanted to sit together as a group, rather than separately.

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Exactly mate! :thumbsup:


If he were so unelectable


Why would they be so concerned?


The point is


He's VERY electable!! :D


Are the tories concerned though? I personally know someone voting for Corbyn purely because they think he will make Labour unelectable and even better in their view cause a split in the votes of the left.


Guido Fawkes blog has also encouraged Tory supporters to buy a vote and vote for Corbyn for similar reasons. If they were worried he could win an election they would not be doing this.

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Exactly mate! :thumbsup:


If he were so unelectable


Why would they be so concerned?


The point is


He's VERY electable!! :D



He is I am afraid the most unelectable party leader for years. He and his expert team seem to think the fact they fill halls and meetings are well attended and membership of the party is rising that is an indicator that he is a shoe in for the next PM slot.

Anyone who says otherwise is a Blairite, threatened and / or subjected to abuse. You will know Sol there is just too much evidence of that for it to be without foundation.


Speaking to a full hall or well attended rally (and if you think a few thousand in Barkers Pool is well attended go when the BNP march and you will see a rather fuller and better attended event) is of little or no relevance to his ability to persuade people to vote for him or the party.


If I were Theresa May - February or March 2017 general election. I might have gone for an October 2016 one personally - labour would still be fighting about who had been elected and all the dirty tricks of the campaign - they would be utterly wiped out.

Which whatever your political view is no good thing - politics requires a strong and effective opposition - Jez is nowhere near able to deliver that.

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