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Do you use cash

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There's been a few threads recently and people have said that they don't carry or use cash.


I was just thinking about it.


Today, I caught the tram, I don't do it that often, so I don't buy any weekly or monthly pass. They don't take cards.

I then bought my Friday bacon sandwich. I'm 90% sure that they don't take cards in the sandwich shop, I'd be very surprised if they do.


Lunch, well, if I go to Tesco I can use contactless, but if I go to a different sandwich shop then cash will probably be required.


If I was going out tonight, I'd get cash out of the machine and pay in pubs with it. Although more of them are taking contactless now.


I guess that's pretty much all I use cash for. Lunch, public transport, drinks.


OOoh, hand car wash, when I get around to taking my car there, I'm sure they'll want cash, but not change, that'll be a note I guess.

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Anyone with an ounce of common sense will know that cash is an excellent bargaining tool for getting stuff at a cheaper rate. Car things (encompassing cars themselves), local specialist industries, electricians, plumbers, antique shops(:gag:) etc, much prefer cash over any other form of payment, be it large or small, and reduce the price accordingly. I just use plastic for mundane things with an unalterable fixed price. Swipe cards are a fad.

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I predominantly use my card for pretty much everything...Grocery shopping, petrol, clothes, shoes, on-line purchasing (obviously) etc. However, I do feel kind of naked if I don't also have 'some' cash about my person. That's to put the pound coin in the shopping trolley, or as Cyclone says, the car wash or ...Cripes, I'm struggling to think of much else....Eeeek...I generally like to have a tenner or so in my wallet, but I'm very reluctant to use it for some reason, and whenever and wherever possible use my card.


My OH however, is completely the opposite, rather than pay for something in a shop with her card, she'd happily walk to a cashpoint somewhere near and draw the cash to pay for her purchase.

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I use my card more than i use cash but i always carry cash. Always carry the same pound coin too in case i need a trolly at the shops, i keep it in a different part of my purse..


I don't carry much cash on me but i like to have enough should i find myself somewhere that doesnt accept card and i fancy a drink or a sandwich etc..


Last 'big' purchase i made using cash was quite a few years ago when i bought a second hand car.. Wouldn't dream of doing that now! Think most people tend to do bank transfers these days.

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I don't generally carry much cash. I get it from a cash point when I need it. I get the odd bit for the pub but normally end up buying rounds on card anyway. Hopefully, I won't need it for bus fares much longer either, when they introduce the Oyster equivalent for Greater Manchester.


I am looking forward to the day when NFC phone apps replace cash and cards altogether.

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