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Do you use cash

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......... Governments can't wait for it!....just imagine,the black economy worth billions disappearing overnight,your personal financial transaction trail open for governmental scrutiny if they so wish at the press of a button.............sound ludicrous?

Just wait and see!


The only problem being that these transactions will be governed by the likes of PayPal, Google (android pay) and Apple (apple pay). Our government probably won't have a clue what's going on and the profits from fees will all be shipped abroad.

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......... Governments can't wait for it!....just imagine,the black economy worth billions disappearing overnight,your personal financial transaction trail open for governmental scrutiny if they so wish at the press of a button.............sound ludicrous?

Just wait and see!


That reads like you are a fan of the black economy mossdog?


---------- Post added 26-08-2016 at 13:57 ----------


The only problem being that these transactions will be governed by the likes of PayPal, Google (android pay) and Apple (apple pay). Our government probably won't have a clue what's going on and the profits from fees will all be shipped abroad.


And Bitcoin.

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The only problem being that these transactions will be governed by the likes of PayPal, Google (android pay) and Apple (apple pay). Our government probably won't have a clue what's going on and the profits from fees will all be shipped abroad.
.......true! but governments worldwide are coming after our money especially money parked in banks, gold, safety deposit boxes, property and many other assets, where original payments amounting to billions may be questionable,and all the new payment device methods you have mentioned will surely come under fire sooner than later!


---------- Post added 26-08-2016 at 14:08 ----------


Nope, never.
.........your window cleaner, tradesman etc is happy with a cheque then?............not of course to suggest that they may be complicit in the black economy!
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.......true! but governments worldwide are coming after our money especially money parked in banks, gold, safety deposit boxes, property and many other assets, where original payments amounting to billions may be questionable,and all the new payment device methods you have mentioned will surely come under fire sooner than later!


---------- Post added 26-08-2016 at 14:08 ----------


.........your window cleaner, tradesman etc is happy with a cheque then?............not of course to suggest that they may be complicit in the black economy!


I've never paid a tradesman in my life. I've only lived in rented accommodation since I left my parents' house. The landlords always take care of maintenance.


The window cleaner? Yes, I pay him cash. Maybe I should ask if he'd take a cheque.... He charges a very reasonable £5. I don't think he is providing a discount for cash which is what you asked me. Whether he declares all his earnings is his business and risk.

Edited by Santo
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......... Governments can't wait for it!....just imagine,the black economy worth billions disappearing overnight,your personal financial transaction trail open for governmental scrutiny if they so wish at the press of a button.............sound ludicrous?

Just wait and see!


As well as offering powerful tracking and surveillance it would also be a means of control, and (potentially arbitrary) punsishment too.


Imagine the government, or maybe even a private company like your bank, having the power to shut down your capability to economically function with the click of a mouse.


All that would happen is people would take steps to mitigate the risk. People who wanted to buy or deal drugs, or visit hookers etc.. or who just didn't want to do everything in government sanctioned electronic ways. would just find other ways to pay. Precious metals, cryptocurrency, barter, skills exchange, tobacco, alcohol, tins of salmon or whatever. People would just find countless ways to keep the grey and black economies going, and would find countless things that could be used instead of government sanctioned electronic cash.


We would end up with a bigger and far more complex alternative economy IMO.


The chumps would be the ones who bought 100% into the cashless world.

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So all you people who don't use cash.......how do you go on for purchasing things when you go to a car boot sale, want a pee in a public convenience that cost 20pence ?


There are some shops that don't have facilities for people using credit cards ...... you see something you like and want to buy it, but can't buy because you don't have cash available.


You see something on here for sale and want to buy it...the person selling states 'Cash Only'


Cash is and as always been the universal tool for buying and selling ......God help us if credit and debit cards were done away with and you had to use cash as payment, half of you wouldn't know how to go on......same as mobile phone, some people can't live without them,

how did people go on before these intrusive things came on the scene - answer....spent money in going in a telephone box.

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The poster said cash is a bargaining tool. If he thinks a tradesman says its X for a cheque or Y for cash that isn't bargaining and the poster is a touch naive if he thinks it is. They don't charge less if you pay cash out of the goodness of their hearts. I'm not saying they're all bent though!


Business accounts sometimes charge if you exceed a certain number of transactions, and cash guarantees that nothing bounces and that the bill is immediately settled. Paying by invoice can mean a long delay before the payment arrives.

There are valid reasons for businesses to encourage a cash payment.

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Anyone with an ounce of common sense will know that cash is an excellent bargaining tool for getting stuff at a cheaper rate. Car things (encompassing cars themselves), local specialist industries, electricians, plumbers, antique shops(:gag:) etc, much prefer cash over any other form of payment, be it large or small, and reduce the price accordingly. I just use plastic for mundane things with an unalterable fixed price. Swipe cards are a fad.


A close neighbour is having a new roof fitted to his house. I dropped the workers a tenner to clean out my gutters whilst they had ladders around. How do you do that with a card? I've done similar in the past with beer. You have to be alert to the possibilities as they arise.

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