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More cuts for the NHS

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Whoever or whatever has caused the potential cuts in the NHS is immaterial really.

Any cuts in the NHS today will be felt by us all.

Anyone needing specialist and unusual treatments or care will be the ones to feel the cuts first - this really is the tip of the iceberg I'm afraid.:(


Which is why any cuts need to be vigorously opposed. Keep an eye out for local protests and join in, life will be so much worse for most of us if the NHS is cut back

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Would charging them for treatment have any impact whatsoever as a deterrent ? If a charge was introduced what financial impact would it have on the NHS ?


No idea...you asked for abuses of the system...I suggested one..are you saying that they aren't a drain on the system?

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It can't possibly have anything to do with Brexit because Brexit was going to pump £350 million more a week into the NHS. Or so they said until June 24th;


"Ever get the feeling you’ve been had? Yet more, ‘Leave’ campaigners are queuing up to backtrack on that big campaign promise about £350m per week for the NHS."




How can people not feel they've been had?


An extra £350m a week was promised. It was pointed out before the referendum that the figure was a lie. Then Farage admitted it was a lie on the day after the referendum.


Now we have the cold hard reality of less not more money for the NHS.


Duncan-Smith even admitted recently that the Brexit campaign was a 'psy-ops' exercise designed to appeal to peoples' raw feelings and deliberately light on facts.


They don't want a better country for us all. They want more money for themselves and the elites they represent. The NHS was always going to be a massive casualty of Brexit rather than a beneficiary.


People need to wake up.

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How can people not feel they've been had?


An extra £350m a week was promised. It was pointed out before the referendum that the figure was a lie. Then Farage admitted it was a lie on the day after the referendum.


Now we have the cold hard reality of less not more money for the NHS.


Duncan-Smith even admitted recently that the Brexit campaign was a 'psy-ops' exercise designed to appeal to peoples' raw feelings and deliberately light on facts.


They don't want a better country for us all. They want more money for themselves and the elites they represent. The NHS was always going to be a massive casualty of Brexit rather than a beneficiary.


People need to wake up.


Any evidence of that?

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