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China and its treatment of endangered animals.

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It seems as though the Chinese even though they now claim to be the Worlds most important developing nation practice a disgraceful carry on dating from the middle ages .

They are responsible for the killing of rapidly disappearing jaguars in Bolivia believing that the teeth from these big cats when ground down can cure rheumatism and other related illnesses .

On top of this they pay thousands of pounds for tiger penises thinking that eating that will cure erectile dysfunction ,(never heard of Viagra it seems).


Rhino horn is imported from Africa where poachers hack of the horn before the animal actually dies so as to make their escape before the so called wardens arrive , the Chinese believe the horn ground down and swallowed can cure cancer.

Other animal body parts that obtain high prices from the Chinese inc those hacked of Elephants (tusks and feet) black bears ( teeth and paws) as well as sea turtles all used in traditional Chinese medicine.


With the increasing influence that is happening by the Chinese big money investment in this Country ( and this City) is it about time that we told them to pack it in ! to start and respect the Worlds rapidly diminishing rare animals and if they are so eager to be World leaders then start by conserving its wild life.

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It seems as though the Chinese even though they now claim to be the Worlds most important developing nation practice a disgraceful carry on dating from the middle ages .

They are responsible for the killing of rapidly disappearing jaguars in Bolivia believing that the teeth from these big cats when ground down can cure rheumatism and other related illnesses .

On top of this they pay thousands of pounds for tiger penises thinking that eating that will cure erectile dysfunction ,(never heard of Viagra it seems).


Rhino horn is imported from Africa where poachers hack of the horn before the animal actually dies so as to make their escape before the so called wardens arrive , the Chinese believe the horn ground down and swallowed can cure cancer.

Other animal body parts that obtain high prices from the Chinese inc those hacked of Elephants (tusks and feet) black bears ( teeth and paws) as well as sea turtles all used in traditional Chinese medicine.


With the increasing influence that is happening by the Chinese big money investment in this Country ( and this City) is it about time that we told them to pack it in ! to start and respect the Worlds rapidly diminishing rare animals and if they are so eager to be World leaders then start by conserving its wild life.


How do you propose to tell them to "pack it in"


Send a gunboat?


Stop inviting them to the Ambassadors parties?


...and really, are there not more important things like they way they treat dissidents, and Tibetians, and the ROC to go at first?

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How do you propose to tell them to "pack it in"


Send a gunboat?


Stop inviting them to the Ambassadors parties?


...and really, are there not more important things like they way they treat dissidents, and Tibetians, and the ROC to go at first?

So how do propose to tell them ,may be by bringing the facts to peoples attention on forums such as this could help:loopy:

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I read an interesting article recently that explained how 'traditional' Chinese medicine is actually largely down to Chairman Mao.


He knew it was a fraud, stating "Even though I believe we should promote Chinese medicine, I personally do not believe in it. I don’t take Chinese medicine.”


I won't paraphrase it here, but I recommend giving it a read, very interesting.




I hope that as the younger generation comes through this horrible practice will die out. Apparently sales of shark fin soup have dropped by 70%, largely due to better education. People didn't realise shark fin soup actually contained shark fins, or that the sharks were left to die in the ocean.

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I read an interesting article recently that explained how 'traditional' Chinese medicine is actually largely down to Chairman Mao.


He knew it was a fraud, stating "Even though I believe we should promote Chinese medicine, I personally do not believe in it. I don’t take Chinese medicine.”


I won't paraphrase it here, but I recommend giving it a read, very interesting.




I hope that as the younger generation comes through this horrible practice will die out. Apparently sales of shark fin soup have dropped by 70%, largely due to better education. People didn't realise shark fin soup actually contained shark fins, or that the sharks were left to die in the ocean.

The problem is that the endangered species may die out first.

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