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The end of the Labour party

Where will Labour be a year from now?  

171 members have voted

  1. 1. Where will Labour be a year from now?

    • Intact with Jeremy Corbyn in charge
    • Intact with somebody else in charge
    • Split with Corbyn running the remains of Labour
    • Split with Corbyn running a break-away party
    • The matter will still be unresolved
    • The whole party will collapse
    • Something I haven't thought of

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I won't be voting either, I live in an area where Labour will walk it, I will never vote for the Tories or the Lib Dems and the fringe parties are a complete waste of time and money, democracy has gone.


I take it the Monster Raving Loony Party aren't standing then?

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I won't be voting either, I live in an area where Labour will walk it, I will never vote for the Tories or the Lib Dems and the fringe parties are a complete waste of time and money, democracy has gone.


Not voting does not register your opinion on the loss of democracy, it accedes to it. You really should cast a vote, even if you just write expletives across the paper. Though be careful to not write the in only one box, lest it might count as a vote.

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I won't be voting either, I live in an area where Labour will walk it, I will never vote for the Tories or the Lib Dems and the fringe parties are a complete waste of time and money, democracy has gone.


I find it quite sad that you and no doubt many others think like that.


Labour will walk it and therefore why bother?

That really is a defeatist way of thinking. With thoughts like that why bother having the election at all. Might as well be declared as a government standard that working class northern towns are automatically labour and all posh country villages are conservatives.


In history people have fought to get the right to vote. Some countries even now have people are losing their lives to try and get such privilege. We should be proud to have the ability to vote our government and should be embracing it at each and every election


It's about having your say. So your party or candidate may not win but that's democracy.


Perhaps if people actually did bother to vote for who they want in these safe seats then over time the results might not be such a foregone conclusion

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I find it quite sad that you and no doubt many others think like that.


Labour will walk it and therefore why bother?

That really is a defeatist way of thinking. With thoughts like that why bother having the election at all. Might as well be declared as a government standard that working class northern towns are automatically labour and all posh country villages are conservatives.


In history people have fought to get the right to vote. Some countries even now have people are losing their lives to try and get such privilege. We should be proud to have the ability to vote our government and should be embracing it at each and every election


It's about having your say. So your party or candidate may not win but that's democracy.


Perhaps if people actually did bother to vote for who they want in these safe seats then over time the results might not be such a foregone conclusion


I've heard that clap trap for years, it might have been valid years ago but not any more, Labour got in in the last election whilst the Rotherham abuse case (of which Labour councillors were complicit) was still major news and they unbelievably still romped home, any fringe parties who emerge are vilified out of existence by the press. The only alternatives are the finished UKIP and the unecessary Green Party.


My vote possibly gives someone a great privilige in life and I'm sorry they are going to have to earn it and none of the candidates in my constituency is worth leaving the house for.

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Calling them different pots of money as a way of making people think that taking money from one (borrowing) won't risk damaging the economy is I think rather duplicitous (of politicians).

There isn't a magic pot of money that governments can take money from without any consequences. Otherwise they'd be taking from it to cover everything. Why don't they take £69,000,000,000 and give it too the NHS instead if it was that simple?


The answer is that is that there is 'day to day' spending with is funded from tax revenues etc, and capital spending, which is often funded by borrowing as it doesn't need to be renewed each year.


Both (if the 'day to day spending is in deficit) impact on the country's debt levels, and the amounts of interest that we pay on that debt.


This was an economist talking not a politician, but I don't really understand it either. However the entire world turns on debt these days. It makes the banks lots of lovely money, so they like it and want to keep it that way...


---------- Post added 01-06-2017 at 00:01 ----------


These are the two main contenders in my constituency.They dont tell you much about themselves do they.One doesnt like people who voted leave or fox hunting and the other owns a local steel industry.Not a lot to go on.www.conservatives.com/OurTeam/Prospective_Parliamentary_Candidates/Wilson_Nicola .http://labourclp283.nationbuilder.com/


This is why I've been saying for ages, anyone who stands for election should have to have a full and verifiable CV which must be available to all voters. This should be the only literature allowed through your letterbox during an election campaign.

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My vote possibly gives someone a great privilige in life and I'm sorry they are going to have to earn it and none of the candidates in my constituency is worth leaving the house for.


There is a quote from somebody famous that basically says that when you find yourself in the position you describe, then the proper thing to do is to stand yourself...

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If you don't want to vote for any of them, spoil your paper (although personally I would like a 'none of the above' box to tick to show my disgust.) The number of spoiled papers is read out at the count too and is some indication of discontent.


I also think we should have PR so everyone's vote counted for something.

Meanwhile rather than not vote, vote for an independent or smaller party. It may not mean much to you, but it means a lot to them, and might mean they don't have to fork out a lot of money just for daring to stand.

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This was an economist talking not a politician, but I don't really understand it either. However the entire world turns on debt these days. It makes the banks lots of lovely money, so they like it and want to keep it that way...


---------- Post added 01-06-2017 at 00:01 ----------



This is why I've been saying for ages, anyone who stands for election should have to have a full and verifiable CV which must be available to all voters. This should be the only literature allowed through your letterbox during an election campaign.


Good point. Maybe Iain Duncan Smith wouldn't have been elected had the electorate known he told some whoppers on his CV.

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There is a quote from somebody famous that basically says that when you find yourself in the position you describe, then the proper thing to do is to stand yourself...


Unfortunately as a downtrodden member of the working class I don't have the means to do so.

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