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The end of the Labour party

Where will Labour be a year from now?  

171 members have voted

  1. 1. Where will Labour be a year from now?

    • Intact with Jeremy Corbyn in charge
    • Intact with somebody else in charge
    • Split with Corbyn running the remains of Labour
    • Split with Corbyn running a break-away party
    • The matter will still be unresolved
    • The whole party will collapse
    • Something I haven't thought of

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Lust for power????


His career is marked by going against the party, frequently one his own. This is no way to pursue power.


It was. And at that time he stuck to his principles. That time has passed.

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Which is why it won't get any airtime.


Has anybody else noticed that if a politician is outside what the media considers to be acceptable limits, said politician will be relentlessly attacked whether they are of the right or left wing?


Trump gets a regular dissing on the news, so does Corbyn. Corbyn does actually have some popular policies like re-nationalising the railways and utility companies. They never, ever get mentioned. All he gets asked is the equivalent of "Have you stopped beating your wife yet?" or when is he going to resign.


I'm not his biggest fan, but the bias against him is monumental.

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The last decent leader of the Party was Harold Wilson, some 40 years ago.

When men such as myself, who have been stalwarts, life long, say the game is up, then it is up.


Jeremy does not inspire me at all, he is a wet blanket.

At least Blair had some dynamism and enthusiasm, even though he let a lot of us down in the end.

We need another Nye Bevan, who really meant what he said, not someone who seems a bit shifty, and disappears when the chips are down.

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Which is why it won't get any airtime.


Has anybody else noticed that if a politician is outside what the media considers to be acceptable limits, said politician will be relentlessly attacked whether they are of the right or left wing?


Trump gets a regular dissing on the news, so does Corbyn. Corbyn does actually have some popular policies like re-nationalising the railways and utility companies. They never, ever get mentioned. All he gets asked is the equivalent of "Have you stopped beating your wife yet?" or when is he going to resign.


I'm not his biggest fan, but the bias against him is monumental.


but some blinkered fools cant see that, the hatred of the man clouds their vision, they cant see it because they really dont want to, and when i mention media bias, they think its all in my mind

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but some blinkered fools cant see that, the hatred of the man clouds their vision, they cant see it because they really dont want to, and when i mention media bias, they think its all in my mind


I am not a blinkered fool, and voted for Jeremy twice a to be leader.

But his acquiescence and surrender over brexit did it for me.

We had the chance of a united Europe, and he gave in, thinking only of the capitalist cartel.

No one can seem to see the big picture on Europe.

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Guest sibon
Carry on. When I think there's enough evidence in I'll announce which is of you the most deluded Corbynite on the forum.


Speaking of delusional:rolleyes:

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