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The end of the Labour party

Where will Labour be a year from now?  

171 members have voted

  1. 1. Where will Labour be a year from now?

    • Intact with Jeremy Corbyn in charge
    • Intact with somebody else in charge
    • Split with Corbyn running the remains of Labour
    • Split with Corbyn running a break-away party
    • The matter will still be unresolved
    • The whole party will collapse
    • Something I haven't thought of

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Equality is what its supposedly about right Anna?


So everyone should be paying the same rate of tax.


Its the additional punishment for having a better job and better salary that gets me angry.


A % tax rate for all. A % NI rate for all is what should happen.


The result will be the same. If you earn the least you pay the least tax. If you earn the most you pay the most tax.


On the current average tax rate of 20% those who earn £15k a year pay £3k tax and those who earn £90k a year pay £18000 tax.


What could be fairer than that?


Tell me a good reason why someone who works starting on the shop floor and then get up to a mangement or even company director level in their career should be "punished" by having to pay a increased tax rate on part of their earnings which is double or more the rate paid by the lower earners?


I would be more than happy for everyone to pay the same tax and have said so on many occasions.


But that means everyone. So no more dodgy tax loopholes, no more hiding wealth in offshore accounts, no more high paid dodgy accountants twisting the spirit of the law to their own advantage. No more interpreting the convoluted letter of the law to something that reverses the original intention. No more 'too big to fail. ' No more being over a barrel. Etc....


In short: honesty and morals.


Until that happens and everyone pays their fair share, the rest of us are going to have to make up the shortfall.

Edited by Anna B
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it's the really wealthy tax dodgers he's after.


But he isn't though. Is he?


Weathy "tax dodgers" dont earn £80k a year. In fact the majority of them will not earn any sort of taxable salary whatsoever.


You really need to take a good look at what sort of jobs get a figure of £80k a year. You will be surprised how many normal (albeit skilled or management roles) will fall into that category - even more so in London.


Just taking the precious NHS alone there are 7 pay bands which are £80k or above including jobs such as Consultant Psychologists, Consultant Surgeons, Chief Nurse, Estates Manager, Chief Finance Officers and upper level GPs.


There are headteachers both in and out of London who can earn up to up to over £100k. There are dozens of civil service and local authoirty managers who can easily earn £80k and many Service Directors earning over £100k.


These are not the tax avoiding scum that Corbyn is after surely?


The man is deluded and taking an easy headline grabbing approach with no thought of whom it will affect.

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What is a lot more disgusting is taking money off the poorest, the disabled and the like. For them it can be the difference between having any roof over their heads or sleeping in a shop doorway.


Those on 80K will still have plenty to live on, and will still be able to afford a very nice lifestyle. Besides, at that level, I expect the extra tax will be relatively small, it's the really wealthy tax dodgers he's after.


Infrastructure and services have to be paid for. Whichever party wins they will need to generate more income, they just aren't being honest if they say otherwise. Who do you think should pay the most tax?


Yes indeed. When someone is crying that whey don't earn enough who is on £80k a year I'm afraid my sympathy response goes walkabouts. Earning £80k and can only afford a shoe box in London, what absolute drivel. Secondly, if they can't afford somewhere they like for the money, perhaps they could move out of the city of one of the most expensive cities in the world and live like relative kings? If your £80k a year guy can't afford to live in London then how on earth is someone on minimum wage (of which there are plenty more than £80k people) supposed to survive? Or is your utopia of London only for those 'higher' earners?

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Equality is what its supposedly about right Anna?


I don't know what Anna thinks, but equality is a damn fool idea except in a society of clones, drones or robots.

However there is a big difference between that and reducing inequality.

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But he isn't though. Is he?


Weathy "tax dodgers" dont earn £80k a year. In fact the majority of them will not earn any sort of taxable salary whatsoever.


This I agree with in a way, that most tax dodgers won't even have a salary.

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Econoob, I agree about the starving in Africa etc, and again I've said so on many occasions, but exactly the same thing is happening there.


There is wealth in abundance and resources galore in many of these 'poor' countries, but there is no reliable tax system and therefore little decent infrastructure. All the money is gobbled up by the corrupt elite at the top.


Fair taxation, (and with it representation,) is actually the fairest distributor of wealth that has been devised so far, even if no one likes paying it.

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Exactly so. Are you having difficulty in understanding why so?

I'm having no difficulty. But I do know if you have shown no loyalty in the past you can't expect any now. Labour polititions are loyal to a party that they believe Corbyn and his far left comrades are making unelectable.

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I don't know what Anna thinks, but equality is a damn fool idea except in a society of clones, drones or robots.

However there is a big difference between that and reducing inequality.


There's equality, and equality...


When everyone (and I include those in developing countries) has a roof over there heads, food on the table, a dependable income, hope for the future and security, that's what I consider to be equality.


There also needs to be decent infrastructure such as education and health care, etc to allow people to thrive. That's the governments responsibility.


There is more than enough money, food and resources in the world to achieve this.


Beyond that it's entirely up to the individual.

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So has that mad fool Skinner, but he would never be prime minister. Just because you can shout in the commons and be a general pain in the rear to the opposition dosnt mean you can lead the party. This weeks local elections provided further proof that Corbyn hasnt got a clue .


but you were not saying whether he would be a good prime minister or not, to quote your words you said that he has "no backbone"...and i quit rightly pointed out that that is complete nonsense, he must be one of the toughest politicians out there to take what he has taken, whether he is any good at politics is a matter of opinion.

This weeks elections havent proved that he doesnt have a clue, but it has proven the media hate campaign against him has worked..most of his policies resonate with the working classes, they are just too stupid to realise

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There's equality, and equality...

No, there is using a word within its accepted definition and there is not.


When everyone (and I include those in developing countries) has a roof over there heads, food on the table, a dependable income, hope for the future and security, that's what I consider to be equality.


Then I think you want to find another word. Using "equality" leaves you open for idiots to argue on the assumption that you mean what the word means...


There also needs to be decent infrastructure such as education and health care, etc to allow people to thrive. That's the governments responsibility.


No, it is the electorate's responsibility for failing to supply and elect anybody more competent. We cannot really blame the government for doing what they appear to have been elected to do.

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