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The end of the Labour party

Where will Labour be a year from now?  

171 members have voted

  1. 1. Where will Labour be a year from now?

    • Intact with Jeremy Corbyn in charge
    • Intact with somebody else in charge
    • Split with Corbyn running the remains of Labour
    • Split with Corbyn running a break-away party
    • The matter will still be unresolved
    • The whole party will collapse
    • Something I haven't thought of

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Just seen a Jeremy Corbyn interview with Laura Keunsberg. Why oh why is that burned out shell of a pier, made worse with a dull foggy sky, used as a backdrop?? are the BBC having a laugh with subliminal symbolism?

They interviewed him in the official party conference hotel which has the wreck of a pier almost immediately outside. Given the Labour party has taken over the whole hotel for the duration of the conference, I'm guessing they decided where the interviews would take place - not the BBC. They'd certainly have enough clout with the hotel to get somewhere else allocated if they didn't like the view.

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Ohh Jere-my Coooorbyn!


He's got quite the cult following, but can he sustain it until the next General Election in May 2022? That's a hell of a long time in politics!


If Theresa May is still PM and the government is still shambolically flailing around, JC is in.

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Excellent keynote speech from Jeremy Corbyn at 2017 Labour party Conference.


I'd urge everyone to watch it, particularly anyone who's worried about the direction this country is headng in, or who thinks JC hasn't got a chance in the next election...


Did he say how he was going to pay for everything.

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Excellent keynote speech from Jeremy Corbyn at 2017 Labour party Conference.


What an odd thing to say.


We know its 2017 and we also know it was the Labour party conference.

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St Jeremy.........you sound almost too good to be true! Has it ever occurred to you that the Conservatives would love to implement most of your promises and be as worshiped and popular as you are at the moment?

Alas they are in government at the moment and people want answers now.Autumn is here and all the money has gone from the money trees. If you succeed in getting into government and turn the country round to your way of thinking in your promised two terms (10 YEARS) then you will have carried out your dreams if you are still around!............but the reality of you and your disciples carrying out all the eye watering promises and pledges in that period,or any period,remains extremely doubtful.......if only dreams could come true.

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