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The end of the Labour party

Where will Labour be a year from now?  

171 members have voted

  1. 1. Where will Labour be a year from now?

    • Intact with Jeremy Corbyn in charge
    • Intact with somebody else in charge
    • Split with Corbyn running the remains of Labour
    • Split with Corbyn running a break-away party
    • The matter will still be unresolved
    • The whole party will collapse
    • Something I haven't thought of

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Im really surprised by this but also very happy to see a resurgence in Lib Dem support.


They do have a problem in that most folk don't know who Tim Farron is.

There was a recent YouGov poll where folk were asked to give an opinion of how well the party leaders were doing. 65% were unable to give an opinion of Farron.


Still it could be worse. When asked about May & Corbin..


When labour voters were asked about Corbin 36% said he was doing badly compared to 1% of tories who thought May was doing badly.

But in the country as a whole those figures were Corbin 66% doing a bad job and May 20%

Furthermore if labour hopes to attract votes from ukip they are going to struggle. Only 6% of ukip voters think corbin is doing a good job.

It does seem that corbin doesn't even impress labour voters and looks to have little chance to taking support from other parties. This won't end well.

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All Labour doing is borrowing, borrowing and encourage the whole society to borrow, leaving mounting debts to next generation and generation after. Corbyn thinks he is a money printer.


"The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money" — Margaret Thatcher

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"The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money" — Margaret Thatcher


I completely agree with your quote. What labour does, is to use tax payer's money to fund life style for someone who does not deserve it. To sunk them into a life style discourage them to do anything at all, and make them think they all live a wonderful life. Ultimate deception!!

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Good to see such a great result for Labour in the Mosborough By-election...


¿Yes, but those who still voted Labour are probably £3 members and will have voted Labour with a great deal of zeal and enthusiasm. So that makes it okay.¿

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All Labour doing is borrowing, borrowing and encourage the whole society to borrow, leaving mounting debts to next generation and generation after. Corbyn thinks he is a money printer.


Considering he doesn't know the difference between a loan shark and a hedge fund, it will be interesting to see his spending plans.



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Considering he doesn't know the difference between a loan shark and a hedge fund, it will be interesting to see his spending plans.




Labour are becoming a party like the BNP. They can chant slogans and promise their avid followers anything they want to hear in the certain knoledge that they will not form a government and those policies will never have to be implemented. Corbin's dream is a labour party in opposition organising rallies and street protests and marching with strikers.

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Good write up on last nights debate here:




these points in particular:


Audience members who support Corbyn claimed that Labour were ahead in the polls until the resignations from the Shadow Cabinet. Owen Smith gently corrected them – in 89 polls Labour were behind in 85 and level pegging in four. Rather than concede the point, Corbyn played to his support and repeated their lie, adding that hostile media coverage was also to blame for poor polls.


One Corbynista told Owen Smith “You’re in the wrong party!”. When Smith pulled him up on that, condemning it as abuse, the man was genuinely aggrieved – “How is that abuse?” That, in the end, was the most telling moment – the man meant it, he really didn’t think that calling Owen Smith a Tory was in any way wrong. That is what the Labour Party has come to under Corbyn’s leadership. It is why he must go, and why he almost certainly won’t.
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I didn't like Owen Smith before last night. I still have a problem with his position on Brexit, but I don't dislike him any more. If I were still a Labour man he'd have won me over. I wouldn't be the least embarrassed or worried to have him as leader of the opposition.

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Good write up on last nights debate here:




these points in particular:


Corbyn was by far the more relaxed. Smith seem agitated all the way through and made the debate personal.


The girl in the audience pointed out Smith was being booed a lot. I'd noticed too. It died down a lot after she made the point though.


I don't really get how being called a Tory is such an insult. It's a silly comment and he over egged his pudding in response, almost breaking into a chorus of I'm Labour Til I Die, I'm Labour Til I Die, I Know I Am I'm Sure I Am, I'm Labour Til I Die!


Where does he plan to get an extra £12bn a year for the NHS from?


I thought Corbyn actually rescued Smith a bit from the angry Kipper.

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