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The end of the Labour party

Where will Labour be a year from now?  

171 members have voted

  1. 1. Where will Labour be a year from now?

    • Intact with Jeremy Corbyn in charge
    • Intact with somebody else in charge
    • Split with Corbyn running the remains of Labour
    • Split with Corbyn running a break-away party
    • The matter will still be unresolved
    • The whole party will collapse
    • Something I haven't thought of

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If they do lose a Stoke seat, it will be an absolute disaster for Labour. Only Sunderland and Coventry rival it for total Labour representation in England. Newcastle and Sheffield have in the quite recent past, had Tory MP's. None of those places have. Stoke is a Labour citadel and if they lose it especially when they are in opposition, they are in BIG TROUBLE.



Lose it to who ?


"Tory MP's" in the recent past ? Not that recent, and Patnick, who turned out to be a wrong un, was one MP, not several.

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Lose it to who ?


"Tory MP's" in the recent past ? Not that recent, and Patnick, who turned out to be a wrong un, was one MP, not several.


To UKIP. Strongly Brexit constituency which voted rather unconvincingly for Labour in '15.

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He should realise that after the 2 upcoming byelections; still plenty of time to sort out a new leader before 2020, if the left leaning membership can elect the right person.


Which new leader ? We've had two Leadership elections in two years and Corbyn has increased his majority.


The Eton posh boy who's just resigned threatened that "unless the Shadow Cabinet " do something about Corbyn, " the Parliamentary MPs will" :hihi:


You have to laugh.


I've seen "Pin Up boy" Chukka Umuna terrified out of his smug self - satisfied skin when faced with de-selection, the favourite of the liberal intelligentsia press, Guardian and Independent, Hilary Benn faced with de-selection by his constituency party, ditto Angela Eagle " I was bullied" but seemingly oblivious to the fact that she and her fellow travellers were doing the bullying.


If former Labour voters want to vote for UKIP let them do it


The UKIP Leader was formerly a Conservative party Councillor and repeated his preference for an Insurance Based Health system. One in four UKIP members were members of the Tory party and their single MP was a Conservative MP for years.


All this sudden concern for the Northern working class is pure opportunism

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Which new leader ? We've had two Leadership elections in two years and Corbyn has increased his majority.


The Eton posh boy who's just resigned threatened that "unless the Shadow Cabinet " do something about Corbyn, " the Parliamentary MPs will" :hihi:


You have to laugh.


I've seen "Pin Up boy" Chukka Umuna terrified out of his smug self - satisfied skin when faced with de-selection, the favourite of the liberal intelligentsia press, Guardian and Independent, Hilary Benn faced with de-selection by his constituency party, ditto Angela Eagle " I was bullied" but seemingly oblivious to the fact that she and her fellow travellers were doing the bullying.


If former Labour voters want to vote for UKIP let them do it


The UKIP Leader was formerly a Conservative party Councillor and repeated his preference for an Insurance Based Health system. One in four UKIP members were members of the Tory party and their single MP was a Conservative MP for years.


All this sudden concern for the Northern working class is pure opportunism


Wow. I've rarely read anything so disconnected from reality.

I should stay quiet really because I want Labour destroyed... But in the interests of good idealogical representation I suggest you look at the very impressive evidence against what you just said.

Edited by unbeliever
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Which new leader ? We've had two Leadership elections in two years and Corbyn has increased his majority.



I am assuming that the next two byelections will be another two appalling results, and Corbyn will jump, so any new leader will do.


I like Mary Creagh the Wakefield MP, she is 100/1, worth a bet?

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To UKIP. Strongly Brexit constituency which voted rather unconvincingly for Labour in '15.


Stoke's voters really didn't like Sir Tristram, but it's still one of Labour's really safest seats. Even when Labour were losing General Elections, they used to get more votes than all the others put together in Stoke. It's a much safer seat than Copeland even so there's a real chance Labour could lose this. Labour's hope is that UKIP and the Tories split the vote in Stoke enough for whoever-it-is to hang on for Labour. If it does change hands UKIP are probably favourites but the Tories definitely fancy their chances. They'll really want to win it too, just to show that they can take a seat like Stoke which they haven't done for over thirty years. Even if it might mean that with it being such a disaster that Corbyn resigns - which is the last thing the Tories want.

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Stoke's voters really didn't like Sir Tristram, but it's still one of Labour's really safest seats. Even when Labour were losing General Elections, they used to get more votes than all the others put together in Stoke. It's a much safer seat than Copeland even so there's a real chance Labour could lose this. Labour's hope is that UKIP and the Tories split the vote in Stoke enough for whoever-it-is to hang on for Labour. If it does change hands UKIP are probably favourites but the Tories definitely fancy their chances. They'll really want to win it too, just to show that they can take a seat like Stoke which they haven't done for over thirty years. Even if it might mean that with it being such a disaster that Corbyn resigns - which is the last thing the Tories want.


They voted strongly for leave. Almost nobody likes Corbyn. Those who Corbyn-inclined are more likely to vote Lib Dem.

The Conservatives might easily run a minimal campaign to give UKIP a good run. There's great political value for both to give Labour a blow to the heart.

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Wow. I've rarely read anything so disconnected from reality.

I should stay quiet really because I want Labour destroyed... But in the interests of good idealogical representation I suggest you look at the very impressive evidence against what you just said.


Why do you want Labour destroyed?

It seems rather extreme language.

Has that particular party done something so terrible against you, that you seek its destruction, or do you just want to see the destruction of everything that you happen to disagree with?

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The Conservatives might easily run a minimal campaign to give UKIP a good run.


it will be interesting to see what kind of ground game they play. But I would expect most of them to really want to win this one. It would be a real prize for them as they haven't won a safe seat like Stoke since they amazingly won Newcastle central in 1983. They'll want to win it even more than Copeland.


however some Tories will want Labour to just hang on because that's exactly what they want Corbyn to do - and for as long as possible.

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