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The end of the Labour party

Where will Labour be a year from now?  

171 members have voted

  1. 1. Where will Labour be a year from now?

    • Intact with Jeremy Corbyn in charge
    • Intact with somebody else in charge
    • Split with Corbyn running the remains of Labour
    • Split with Corbyn running a break-away party
    • The matter will still be unresolved
    • The whole party will collapse
    • Something I haven't thought of

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Jeremy Corbyn, when a back-bencher, was a noted non-conformist with Whips (three line or otherwise).


Yet Jeremy Corbyn, when a Labour leader, wishes back-benchers to conform.


How odd is that?


We all do the same though don't we?


I used to kick over the traces something cruel, but as you become more and more senior, you have to pull people into line.


It is the old saying about big fleas and little fleas isn't it?

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Tories gain Copeland, which they were always going to do, but Labour hang on to Stoke in the face of a totally rubbish UKIP challenge that's shown everybody once and for all what a bunch of clueless amateurs they are.


the Tories came only just behind UKIP in Stoke, they barely campaigned in the seat at all, and I reckon they could have won Stoke if they'd have really made an effort. That really would have been a 'historic' Tory victory.

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I wouldn't rely too much on a Poll about the working class vote conducted by the Tory supporting Times newspaper


I think Corbyn and the current leadership should stick to their guns, go to the country with their programme and not become Tory or UKIP lite just to chase votes. I appreciate people will say whats the point of having principles if you're not in power.


Labour is hardly "finished" if it is the largest Party in Western Europe and currently the main opposition.

A question on BBC QT. last night asked who represented the working class if not Labour, no one in the audience had a suggestion. The panel predictably claimed their own party did. The Tories, led by Public School educated MPs (usually Eton), yeah right, although I will give Justin Greening credit, and UKIP who failed to win in " Brexit Central" . If any party is "finished" it's UKIP, Nuttall as leader, come on.


---------- Post added 24-02-2017 at 09:08 ----------


that's shocking but not unexpected from that vile creature


---------- Post added 12-02-2017 at 19:43 ----------



smacks of , do as I say not as I do . power crazy



"Vile creature" Helpful language

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I am left a bit puzzled this morning. I am and probably always will be staunch supporter of Corbyn and what he stands for, but it appears that his message isn't getting through to people that Labour need if they are to mount a genuine threat at the next GE. So do I want Labour to stick with Corbyn and risk getting a kicking at the next GE but hold true to my and what I believe after Labour's core ethics, or do Labour change leader for a more 'acceptable' figure but by doing so ditch some of the key Labour values?


More ethics with less power or less ethics with more power. What a crap decision.

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Tories gain Copeland, which they were always going to do, but Labour hang on to Stoke in the face of a totally rubbish UKIP challenge that's shown everybody once and for all what a bunch of clueless amateurs they are.


the Tories came only just behind UKIP in Stoke, they barely campaigned in the seat at all, and I reckon they could have won Stoke if they'd have really made an effort. That really would have been a 'historic' Tory victory.


As I said earlier in the Paul Nuttall thread, locals in Stoke weren't impressed with a "parachuted" candidate who knew nothing about local issues.


Unlike the Zac Goldsmith by-election, which was totally about Brexit, that wasn't the case here.

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