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The end of the Labour party

Where will Labour be a year from now?  

171 members have voted

  1. 1. Where will Labour be a year from now?

    • Intact with Jeremy Corbyn in charge
    • Intact with somebody else in charge
    • Split with Corbyn running the remains of Labour
    • Split with Corbyn running a break-away party
    • The matter will still be unresolved
    • The whole party will collapse
    • Something I haven't thought of

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Remember this?




LAbout didnt use it's surplus years to mend the roof and build a fund for the inevitable rainy day. It peed it up the wall creating non jobs and buying votes in the public sector to stay in power.


If the Conservatives had been in power we might have still had some gold reserves, we wouldnt have spaffed all the money on pointless stuff and we could actually have spent our way our of the recession.


Labour made sure we couldnt do that.


You mean useless things like the NHS and social care? And enough staff to keep prisons safe and police on the job catching criminals, and nurses in work, and the armed forces up to scratch? And public services like bin collections and Libraries and day-care centres? And keeping the fall out from the demise of heavy industries to a minimum by giving them decent jobs instead of on the dole?

Yes Labour certainly wasted any surplus on rubbish like that didn't they? :roll:

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You mean useless things like the NHS and social care? And enough staff to keep prisons safe and police on the job catching criminals, and nurses in work, and the armed forces up to scratch? And public services like bin collections and Libraries and day-care centres? And keeping the fall out from the demise of heavy industries to a minimum by giving them decent jobs instead of on the dole?

Yes Labour certainly wasted any surplus on rubbish like that didn't they? :roll:


Are you suggesting that fewer people were on the dole under Labour than now? I don't think that's right..

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Are you suggesting that fewer people were on the dole under Labour than now? I don't think that's right..


A bit off topic, the area where I live has seen a sharp decline over the last five years more visible homeless and more empty shops than before the town had quite a bit of industry now all gone. Nothing has rep!aced these jobs the town has a high unemployment rate complete with a crime rate to match. I don't think my area will ever recover to be honest its heartbreaking to see this . I may have said this before but government's love to play with numbers and try and make out this and that is fine but reality is so different all parties are guilty of this. I do worry that future generations lives will be just one of hardship and never enjoy what previous generations had glad I'm not eighteen now.

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Are you suggesting that fewer people were on the dole under Labour than now? I don't think that's right..


There might be less people claiming unemployment benefit but that's a lot different than saying there are less unemployed.


A million people are said to be being sanctioned at any one time. Many people over 50 will not be able to claim due to savings, the offficial school leaving age has gone up to 18, and the criteria for claiming benefit has changed so more people are having to depend on their mum and dad for cash, just like homeless people who are sofa surfing are not counted in the homeless figures.


Then there is the massive rise in people who are having to go self employed and are earning next to nothing, and the self employed working for companies like UBer and not receiving even the minimum wage. And the 0 hours workers and the temporary contracts and the 'gig' economy workers many of which don't earn anything like a living wage.....


Our unemployment figures are creative to say the least...

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You mean useless things like the NHS and social care? And enough staff to keep prisons safe and police on the job catching criminals, and nurses in work, and the armed forces up to scratch? And public services like bin collections and Libraries and day-care centres? And keeping the fall out from the demise of heavy industries to a minimum by giving them decent jobs instead of on the dole?

Yes Labour certainly wasted any surplus on rubbish like that didn't they? :roll:


Buying votes. As well as all the other pointless non-jobs they came up with. Yes thats the sort of thing I mean.

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She's not on here you are. By all accounts she's been subject to lots of racial and gender abuse. She's also very visible which increases her vulnerability, you're anonymous behind your keyboard


so she can say whatever she wants that may upset some people, but no one can give an opinion about her ?

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Buying votes. As well as all the other pointless non-jobs they came up with. Yes thats the sort of thing I mean.


Pointless? So you don't want decent jobs that you can keep a family on, without having to resort to a complex system of benefits (paid for by the tax payers) on top?


You'd rather see people in rubbish jobs with low pay, no security, living hand to mouth, and not knowing whether they'll have enough money to put food on the table next week. In and out of work, and building up problems for the future with lack of pensions, lack of savings etc and probably in debt. Hardly the way to a stable population and a stable economy which benefits us all.


Labour were not buying votes, they were just applying common sense.

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I see you resort to the usual hyperbole and faux outrage rather than address the question Anna.


LAbour spent lots of money they didnt need to peeing it up the wall on vanity projects and buying votes. Thats why when the crash came and they lost they left a note saying there was no money left. At all.

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I see you resort to the usual hyperbole and faux outrage rather than address the question Anna.


LAbour spent lots of money they didnt need to peeing it up the wall on vanity projects and buying votes. Thats why when the crash came and they lost they left a note saying there was no money left. At all.


Utter rubbish.


You have based your whole premise on a ridiculous note that was meant as a joke. Meanwhile the country is in the worst state it's ever been in thanks to the Tories.

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Utter rubbish.


You have based your whole premise on a ridiculous note that was meant as a joke. Meanwhile the country is in the worst state it's ever been in thanks to the Tories.


Now that is a statement that unless you want to be accused of hyperbole does really need some sort of qualifying evidence.

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