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The end of the Labour party

Where will Labour be a year from now?  

171 members have voted

  1. 1. Where will Labour be a year from now?

    • Intact with Jeremy Corbyn in charge
    • Intact with somebody else in charge
    • Split with Corbyn running the remains of Labour
    • Split with Corbyn running a break-away party
    • The matter will still be unresolved
    • The whole party will collapse
    • Something I haven't thought of

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Utter rubbish.


You have based your whole premise on a ridiculous note that was meant as a joke. Meanwhile the country is in the worst state it's ever been in thanks to the Tories.


Not exactly the worst,


The median income is(2012–13) still 2.4% lower than the peak in 2009–10; I believe things were getting better in 2014-16, but things will be on the decline again soon.



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so she can say whatever she wants that may upset some people, but no one can give an opinion about her ?[/quote


Politicians especially high profile like Dianne Abbott are in the public eye and she will be held accountable, you are anonymous behind a key board , very brave.

I suppose calling someone a " vile creature" is a " sort " of opinion but more like abuse.


---------- Post added 26-02-2017 at 08:54 ----------


If the Tory supporting media believe that Labour are in a hopeless position why are they continually attacking Corbyn surely they'd hold back on the criticism and allow Labour to disappear as a force.


The Parliamentary Party led by Angela Eagle and cheered on by Tristram, Chukka et al have had their go and now the establishment "liberal" media are doing it.

The BBC wheel out these establishment figures, e.g., Newsnight on Friday the Independent newspaper (online) Politics editor saying that party members are wanting Corbyn out, Lord Mendelson asks Tony Blair to throw his two,penneth into the ring, using Bloomberg headquarters in London as a base to give a speach attacking Corbyn, the Times on Saturday wheeled out David Milliband who's lived in New York since losing to his brother to attack Corbyn.


In today's Observer Andrew Rawnsley is giving it large against Corbyn


Looking at the background of these people they all appear to come from wealthy families and almost all went to Public Schools.


Why are they so scared of a Labour Party, that's not elitist and does not represent elitist self interest ?


Answers on a post card please

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so she can say whatever she wants that may upset some people, but no one can give an opinion about her ?[/quote


Politicians especially high profile like Dianne Abbott are in the public eye and she will be held accountable, you are anonymous behind a key board , very brave.

I suppose calling someone a " vile creature" is a " sort " of opinion but more like abuse.


---------- Post added 26-02-2017 at 08:54 ----------


If the Tory supporting media believe that Labour are in a hopeless position why are they continually attacking Corbyn surely they'd hold back on the criticism and allow Labour to disappear as a force.


The Parliamentary Party led by Angela Eagle and cheered on by Tristram, Chukka et al have had their go and now the establishment "liberal" media are doing it.

The BBC wheel out these establishment figures, e.g., Newsnight on Friday the Independent newspaper (online) Politics editor saying that party members are wanting Corbyn out, Lord Mendelson asks Tony Blair to throw his two,penneth into the ring, using Bloomberg headquarters in London as a base to give a speach attacking Corbyn, the Times on Saturday wheeled out David Milliband who's lived in New York since losing to his brother to attack Corbyn.


In today's Observer Andrew Rawnsley is giving it large against Corbyn


Looking at the background of these people they all appear to come from wealthy families and almost all went to Public Schools.


Why are they so scared of a Labour Party, that's not elitist and does not represent elitist self interest ?


Answers on a post card please


The relentless media attack on Jeremy Corbyn speaks volumes about how threatened the establishment feels by him. Here we have a man speaking for the people and wanting in plain language the same things they want. We can't have that. That's why the establishment are determined not to allow his voice to be heard on the TV. Ordinary People might find they like him.


After the Copeland by election, he was filmed fielding a range of questions from reporters. I'd have liked to have heard what the leader of the Labour party had to say, but we got only one single word 'No' and that was it. Instead, they preferred to show what yesterday's men Mendelson, Milliband and sundry other Labour enemies of Corbyn had to say.


If that isn't deliberately undermining Corbyn I don't know what is.

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Not exactly the worst,


The median income is(2012–13) still 2.4% lower than the peak in 2009–10; I believe things were getting better in 2014-16, but things will be on the decline again soon.




Anna B claimed the country was the in the worst state it has ever been in.


Even if incomes were still lower than at their peak (which they are not) it would indicate the country (at least in terms of income) was just off the best state it had ever been it, which is quite removed from the worst.


I prefer using disposable income as a income measure, as it also takes into account changes to tax and benefits and so gives a more accurate picture of people's spending ability.


In 2016, median UK disposable income was £26,300 - which is £600 higher than last year and £1000 pounds higher than the pre down turn peak (after accounting for inflation etc).


The poorest fifth of households saw their disposable income rise by £700 (5.1%)between 2013/2014 and 2015/16 whereas the richest fifth saw their disposable incomes fall by £1000 (1.9%) over the same period.


Now, this is largely down to the increases in income of retired households, whereas incomes of non retired households over the last two years has remained largely unchanged.




Now, this is just about income. Perhaps Anna B was using some other measure to assess the situation of the country. I agree that levels of income do not necessarily mean the country is in a good state and other factors need to be taken into consideration.


I would very much struggle however to think of any measure which indicates that the country is in its worst state.

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Utter rubbish.


You have based your whole premise on a ridiculous note that was meant as a joke.


It was a very, very poor joke Anna.


Labour have become a lot like the Tories in how they run the party. MP's chosen because they have networked in London until they have found favour with someone higher up the food chain in their party, before being parachuted into a safe working class seat in the provinces. Our "representatives" in Parliament are very often not very representative of us at all. Hence why we have so many Brexit constituencies with anti-Brexit MP's.


We have gone backwards in this regard; it's a bit like having Lord Whatsit from the big house as your MP; a very patronising attitude. "We are the big people, we take the decisions. You just leave everything to us. Working class MP's? You don't need them, we'll look after all that for you. Just remember to vote for us every five years".


There's no wonder people have become disillusioned with Labour, bad though you think the Tories might be.

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Theirs a common theme here with the media when the Cameron and Co decided to dismantle the Welfare state and make it harder to get any benefits the disabled were portrayed as putting it on getting easy free hand outs ( Daily Mail love that term I note) anyone who has had experience knows even under the old system it was far from easy. Next unemployed people were hit with Bedroom Tax and then sanctions that do lead to homeless hitting young people the hardest . People on benefits made to pay Council Tax how the hell can they pay that on JSA? But it shows how far removed Cameron was from reality May is no better. All the while the right wing media lapped it up and some even fell for it believing every word to be ture attacks on disabled increased and other hate crime too. It concerns me a lot were this country is heading it really does I've got visions of it ending up been a far right fairyland the masses controlled by what they read than using their own judgement. Corbyn is not perfect by any means but would vote for him given the choice we have at present.

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so she can say whatever she wants that may upset some people, but no one can give an opinion about her ?[/quote


Politicians especially high profile like Dianne Abbott are in the public eye and she will be held accountable, you are anonymous behind a key board , very brave.

I suppose calling someone a " vile creature" is a " sort " of opinion but more like abuse.


---------- Post added 26-02-2017 at 08:54 ----------


If the Tory supporting media believe that Labour are in a hopeless position why are they continually attacking Corbyn surely they'd hold back on the criticism and allow Labour to disappear as a force.


The Parliamentary Party led by Angela Eagle and cheered on by Tristram, Chukka et al have had their go and now the establishment "liberal" media are doing it.

The BBC wheel out these establishment figures, e.g., Newsnight on Friday the Independent newspaper (online) Politics editor saying that party members are wanting Corbyn out, Lord Mendelson asks Tony Blair to throw his two,penneth into the ring, using Bloomberg headquarters in London as a base to give a speach attacking Corbyn, the Times on Saturday wheeled out David Milliband who's lived in New York since losing to his brother to attack Corbyn.


In today's Observer Andrew Rawnsley is giving it large against Corbyn


Looking at the background of these people they all appear to come from wealthy families and almost all went to Public Schools.


Why are they so scared of a Labour Party, that's not elitist and does not represent elitist self interest ?


Answers on a post card please


Your absolutely right there, the whole establishment are scared to death of him, even the BBC have thrown away and pretense of impartiality and go full on "kick Corbyn" mode, the sad thing is, most people havent noticed how badly he gets treated, and still think he is given a fair trial by the media..

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It was a very, very poor joke Anna.


Labour have become a lot like the Tories in how they run the party. MP's chosen because they have networked in London until they have found favour with someone higher up the food chain in their party, before being parachuted into a safe working class seat in the provinces. Our "representatives" in Parliament are very often not very representative of us at all. Hence why we have so many Brexit constituencies with anti-Brexit MP's.


We have gone backwards in this regard; it's a bit like having Lord Whatsit from the big house as your MP; a very patronising attitude. "We are the big people, we take the decisions. You just leave everything to us. Working class MP's? You don't need them, we'll look after all that for you. Just remember to vote for us every five years".


There's no wonder people have become disillusioned with Labour, bad though you think the Tories might be.


This is an issue recognised by Jeremy Corbyn, which is the very reason he stood for the leadership contest in the first place.


And why he won - because the leader of the Labour party is chosen by the membership, not the elite, and having seen him speak, ordinary people like me were flocking to join the Labour party just so they could vote for him. The Labour party under Corbyn is now the biggest party in Europe and growing fast.

Edited by Anna B
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Jeremy Corbyn and some of his associates have ruined Labour. He needs to go. I said years ago David Miliband would have been a good leader.


I think at the moment he's playing a good political game.


Corbyn will go, it's just a matter of time.


why has he ruined the party?

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