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The end of the Labour party

Where will Labour be a year from now?  

171 members have voted

  1. 1. Where will Labour be a year from now?

    • Intact with Jeremy Corbyn in charge
    • Intact with somebody else in charge
    • Split with Corbyn running the remains of Labour
    • Split with Corbyn running a break-away party
    • The matter will still be unresolved
    • The whole party will collapse
    • Something I haven't thought of

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When Livingston discredits himself it does not discredit socialism in general. That's not what I said.


Nationalisation doesn't work. Excessively redistributive taxation doesn't work either. The SDP broke away from Labour because Labour were too socialist (and in many cases actual communists). Social democrats are a mild and sensible form of half-socialists who you can put in government without completely wrecking things.


Corbyn is a Socialist.


What I said was that when Livingstone was in discussion with the IRA, IIRC in the mid 1990s, he was berated by the press, and that fed into their narrative of 'why Labour could not be trusted'. For years opinion pieces in the press, on a drip by drip basis, would tie all manner of disparate things which also fed into that narrative (Labour's apparent fondness for causes such as the one eyed, black, lesbian collective were part of that lampoonery of their other worldliness.

Conservatives have struggled on issues on issues such as CCT, and the NHS, which Bevan said is pure socialism in action:

that it meet the needs of everyone; that it be free at the point of delivery; and that it be based on clinical need, not ability to pay. There are problems with the NHS for sure. But it's health care nationalised. It's not the American system.

Corbyn defines himself and socialist, Crossland, Blair and Bevan did. It covers a wide area.

There have been recessions (''wrecking things" ?!?) under the Tories too, did those recessions happen because the Tories weren't Tory enough, because of world events....Do recessions happen under Labour because that's what Labour do and they're isolated from world events?

So because the public, don't want socialism as you define it, they therefore want Conservatism as you see it. Were the Tories an effective opposition 1997 - 2005?

Edited by Mister M
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Didn;t he drop out due to media intrusion on him and his family? Considering the way they've treated Corbyn, I bet he's glad!


Or does Corbyn bring it on himself?



Considering the way that Momentum treat dissenters within Labour, I have very little sympathy for Corbyn.

I suspect though that the real cause is McDonnell.

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What I said was that when Livingstone was in discussion with the IRA, IIRC in the mid 1990s, he was berated by the press, and that fed into their narrative of 'why Labour could not be trusted'.


Livingstone wasn't running the country. He had no business talking to the IRA - that was rightly and properly the job of the Govt.

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Livingstone wasn't running the country. He had no business talking to the IRA - that was rightly and properly the job of the Govt.




If I started hanging around with Daesh, I dare say 5 would have something to say about it.

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Just had a walk round town, bit of a demo out side the Town Hall. There was a large placard saying Labour against PFI, now i know it was thought up by the tories but wasnt it Labour Blaire that really rolled it out.

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Just had a walk round town, bit of a demo out side the Town Hall. There was a large placard saying Labour against PFI, now i know it was thought up by the tories but wasnt it Labour Blaire that really rolled it out.


Yes it was. We're you expecting honesty from Labour?

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