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Fed up of hit and run/bump merchants

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Had my car smashed into today, some point between midnight and 2pm, smashed my back lights(repairable) and caved in the side panel by the petrol cap, (can't replace) quite twisted so not sure how much panel beater can do. i had warned my labour councillors that this road was being used as a rat run, that something like this would happen, basically said they had no money to do anything. I am on low income and gutted that i will lose lots, and on resale, while the perp gets away. I don't want to lose NCB, and going to the police to report it means my specialist insurer gets to hear of it, fuming.

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Why do poeple insist on doing this, park right next to the only car in the car park when the rest of the car park is empty. I like to park away from others to try and avoid my car getting dented by ignorant <removed> who aren't careful when opening their car doors, and then I find that the only other cars in a massive empty car park all park right next to me. I mean, what is that all about?? Infuriating!! Go park in a big space away from me :)


These are the people who cannot think for themselves and so need a leader, any kind will do, Before you arrived and parked they were probably driving round in circles wasting fuel because they had no idea where to park or what the lines on the ground were for.

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I did the right thing and rang the police, not sure why, they can't do anything, this will implications for my specialist car insurance, even though not claiming, an incident has happened to my car near to my road, not on priory road.


No one had similar then?

Edited by gamezone07
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