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Coffee Bars In Sheffield In The 1950 And 60s


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Talking about the Roscoe I started going there as a schoolkid Saturday mornings at the tanner rush as it was called!.We used to go to most so called Picture Palaces,Roscoe,Unity,Kinema,Park Cinema and  the one at the top of Barrack Hill I forget the name and the one behind the Infirmary likewise forgotten!.We had a running joke at school about the balcony in the Roscoe such as "There was a suicide in the Roscoe last night,a bloke threw himself off the balcony!",I don,t think so it was only 8ft high at the most!.As I aged my place to take girlfriends was the Roscoe,always meeting them inside of course as cash was tight!.With all the Teds going there they had bouncers who were kept very busy every night,especialy around bonfire night as a favourite game was setting off bangers and rockets in the toilets filling the place with smoke,its a wonder to me the place didn,t burn down!.

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Brilliant, Old Tup-I passed your thoughts on to my Father in law and he had this to say :


Hiya, this guy remembers it well, going to the flicks at the Sco was a nightmare for anyone who had actually gone to see the film.  I remember that there were people shouting out obscenities too. Won't repeat them here. I got thrown out buy a big bouncer they had there for fighting with another Ted. Going back to tales of the Coronation Cafe, He has reminded me of the pie & peas, how could I forget? They were delicious and we had them regularly. I'm also reminded of Horace in his bow tie, yeah they were great times. The picture house behind the Infirmary was called the Oxford and was across from the Upperthorpe Library baths & wash house,

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Paid Chez Brion a visit one time in the sixties with a mate of mine with two hoity toity birds we were trying to impress!.It was a complete disaster they made it quite clear that we both came from the wrong side of the tracks and nooky was a nono,my pal put the top hat on it when he had a sudden stomach problem and dissapeared to the little boys room!.He was missing for a good while so I went to see what was wrong,I should have took a canary in a cage with me to check emmisions in the wc ,he was stuck there with no toilet paper so as a last resort he wiped his self with his scanties and flushed them!.He made me swear not to say anything to the ladies who I told anyway almost as soon as we sat back down which put a cowbosh on the evening which I had written off anyway,we escorted them home bade them farewell and never saw them again,a sad tale from my murky past!.

Edited by old tup
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1 hour ago, old tup said:

Paid Chez Brion a visit one time in the sixties with a mate of mine with two hoity toity birds we were trying to impress!.It was a complete disaster they made it quite clear that we both came from the wrong side of the tracks and nooky was a nono,my pal put the top hat on it when he had a sudden stomach problem and dissapeared to the little boys room!.He was missing for a good while so I went to see what was wrong,I should have took a canary in a cage with me to check emmisions in the wc ,he was stuck there with no toilet paper so as a last resort he wiped his self with his scanties and flushed them!.He made me swear not to say anything to the ladies who I told anyway almost as soon as we sat back down which put a cowbosh on the evening which I had written off anyway,we escorted them home bade them farewell and never saw them again,a sad tale from my murky past!.

Great story Tup 🤣

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Before our Coronation Cafe days I used to visit a cafe on Meadow Street who,s name I forget,it was run by a friendly Caribean guy who was very popular,it was pretty busy most evenings!.This was 1959 I was ready for leaving school in those days there was not much for youngsters to do so cafes did pretty well!.I made friends there who were a couple of years older than me,they came from Parsons Cross one who was a pretty blonde girl who I started courting for a while until the age difference put her off as I was a tad naive for her!.I knew about the birds and bees but I had never put into practice,there were six of us altogether three boys two girls and we knocked around together for quite some time until I met a girl who knocked me for six and my adventures began!

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HI Sedith,the "in n out" cafe was on the top of Howard street, just below a shop fabulously named "lift up your skirt and fly",I used to work on St Pauls Parade and we had liver,chips,peas and gravy sent across  at least three times per week,Barry used to work upstairs and his mum used to do all the cooking downstairs (cat remember her name) we used to have the crumble and custard afterwards, all home cooked, beautiful,happy memories!.

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