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Is it possible to 'think' a dream?

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My dog used to dream a lot. She would whimper and make a muted bark with her legs moving like she was also trying to run, it always made me smile. And yes, my cat dreams also.


Yes, isn't it funny seeing a dog dreaming ? My sons dog twitches and moves his legs as though chasing something. The funniest thing of all though is the long sigh he gives while asleep. It's so human like ! :hihi:

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Yes, isn't it funny seeing a dog dreaming ? My sons dog twitches and moves his legs as though chasing something. The funniest thing of all though is the long sigh he gives while asleep. It's so human like ! :hihi:


Maybe we are reborn as animals.. wonder what George Clooney would be.. :D

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Maybe an octopus ? Plenty of arms to hold me with ? :hihi:


Oh, that's put a smile on my face. I can just see George being gently caressed from scalp to toe by a giant octopuses tentacles, if that's what they are called, and the poor man is unable to do anything. Perhaps you should be the octopus.

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Oh, that's put a smile on my face. I can just see George being gently caressed from scalp to toe by a giant octopuses tentacles, if that's what they are called, and the poor man is unable to do anything. Perhaps you should be the octopus.


I'm easy. Either way suits me !:headbang::headbang::headbang::headbang:

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  • 3 years later...
On 31/08/2016 at 12:26, PeteMorris said:

Yes I know I have some random thoughts.


But is it possible to 'think' about something when drifting off to sleep, which subsequently 'prompts' a dream on that subject?


I all honesty, I rarely remember the subject of my dreams, or they fade quickly after waking. But as I've got a little older, my dreams seem to get more intense, and I remember a bit more of them. I certainly know if they've been 'nice' dreams or 'awful' ones.


Anyone any thoughts?

Hmmm... :huh:

... last night I had a dream.


Having endured yet another miserable year which has produced very little in the way of entertainment, a decision was finally made by the "powers that be" to put us all out of our misery.


A great announcement (well more of a trickle than a full blown leak) was made to the congregated masses (well one man and his dog - social distancing rules to apply) that Sheffield was to be free again from the tyranny that had become an everyday occurrence and had destroyed so many souls.


For many years the opinions of the local community had been suppressed by a few misguidedly loyal servants of a previous regime that had over the years developed a worryingly strong belief in their own self-importance.


The "minions" would complain at their unfair treatment but no-one was listening.


The "chosen ones" who had enjoyed ruling their kingdom with an iron fist (and a computer keyboard) were to be relieved of their services (appropriately on April Fools' Day).


A lone voice whimpered their disapproval, but throughout the community there was great rejoicing.


A great amnesty would be declared and all previous misdemeanours would be forgotten and everyone would be welcomed back into the throng.


Then I woke up.


I wonder what it all means? :confused:



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13 minutes ago, Mr Bloke said:

Hmmm... :huh:

... last night I had a dream.


Having endured yet another miserable year which has produced very little in the way of entertainment, a decision was finally made by the "powers that be" to put us all out of our misery.


A great announcement (well more of a trickle than a full blown leak) was made to the congregated masses (well one man and his dog - social distancing rules to apply) that Sheffield was to be free again from the tyranny that had become an everyday occurrence and had destroyed so many souls.


For many years the opinions of the local community had been suppressed by a few misguidedly loyal servants of a previous regime that had over the years developed a worryingly strong belief in their own self-importance.


The "minions" would complain at their unfair treatment but no-one was listening.


The "chosen ones" who had enjoyed ruling their kingdom with an iron fist (and a computer keyboard) were to be relieved of their services (appropriately on April Fools' Day).


A lone voice whimpered their disapproval, but throughout the community there was great rejoicing.


A great amnesty would be declared and all previous misdemeanours would be forgotten and everyone would be welcomed back into the throng.


Then I woke up.


I wonder what it all means? :confused:



I'll hazard a guess...

That you are getting dafter :hihi:.

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