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Mrs May, Hero of the Brexiters.

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It's not vague.

Any country not currently in under trade sanctions can trade with the EU. They don't pay.

Access is a contraction of "tariff free access" or possibly "barrier free access". That's its etymology. It's extremely misleading though. The remain campaign used this to try to con us into voting remain. It didn't work.


Acess to the free market means tariff free trade. That's the free bit. Trading with the EU is not the same as trading freely with the EU. access to the market is not the same as access to the free market.

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No it's not meaningless. It's how many UK businesses actually need to comply with EU regulation once we leave.

I do not put it forward to suggest that trade with the EU is unimportant. It isn't.


which regulations do you think businesses shouldn't comply with?

Edited by andyofborg
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Do you know if this is what the rest of the brexiters want?


At least its an answer. Obviously lots of people who voted for Brexit had different ideas as to what the terms would be and a substantial number would not agree with his version.


---------- Post added 31-08-2016 at 20:39 ----------


Acess to the free market means tariff free trade. That's the free bit. Trading with the EU is not the same as trading freely with the EU. access to the market is not the same as access to the free market.


Weve already dont this access in terms of haveing free access and trading as being part of the free market, not just the ability to trade with it on the terms of an outsider. As has been pointed out its more than just tariffs.

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and how would we stay the 5th largest with no access to our largest trading partner?

We were the 5th largest economy before we joined the EEC. The current EU is becoming less important as each day passers. It's a big World.

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At least its an answer. Obviously lots of people who voted for Brexit had different ideas as to what the terms would be and a substantial number would not agree with his version.


The research released by the Rowntree foundation this week found that a key driver of the Brexit vote was a simple desire for change, especially in economically disadvantaged areas. Many people who voted for that reason had no particular idea about what Brexit would mean. Some didn't really understand what the EU is.


People simply want better lives. For some reason they trust the likes of Farage, Johnson, IDS etc... to deliver better lives for them. I'm yet to see how an ultra free trade agenda and a bonfire of regulation is going to help those who want positive change.


---------- Post added 31-08-2016 at 20:50 ----------


Like those pesky regulations that allow you to recover debt owed by people in another EU country.


I don't want my savings protected by the financial services compensation scheme.


Down with that kind of thing.

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