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Mrs May, Hero of the Brexiters.

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It's nice to see the remainers are not being bigots, like UKIP supporters.

The next election is due in 2020 when all this will be over, and even if one was called before then any party with over 100 seats would as Zamo says indeed be King-Makers.


Really? You know how parliament works right?


Labour has more than a hundred MPs now. Are they King Makers? No, because the Tories have more.


Thanks for calling me a bigot cos I called UKIP lunatics. Nice to see how precious you are about them....

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Still been paid into the corrupt and failed EU coffers, that's where it is. We should invoke article 50 NOW, and stop paying the 350 million as soon as possible. Tomorrow would be a good day to do it.



Spot on, yesterday would have been better. mind you its forecast rain for Saturday, probably because we voted for brexit.

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I just explained why I think the ratio is now more like 2-1 in favour of Brexit. And that 1/3rd in favour of staying will split their vote between all the other parties whilst a huge chunk of the 2/3rds now wanting out are likely to vote UKIP in protest at not being out.

Your logic for that is pretty tenuous though. You've assumed that the 40% who want a second referendum minus the 12% who voted leave in that group are remainers and assumed everyone else is in favour of leaving. If anyone had suggested that only the 44% who said they didn't want another referendum still wanted to leave you'd have called them out on it.


Assuming we do leave the following bit from the Indy article is interesting:

Although immigration was a big issue in the referendum campaign, more people (48 per cent) agree that it is more important to have access to the European single market than it is to limit immigration from the EU than disagree (37 per cent).
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The success UKIP had at the EU election in 2014 was not repeated at the General Election because the Tories had the promise of an EU referendum on the table. If the Tories do not respect the result and take us out of the EU, the support will flood back to UKIP and then some.




Enjoy as I would.


By the way how is the prediction that a vote to leave will plunge us into deep recession shaping up for you? You were very confident when quoting all those economists and treasury experts... still feeling confident? :D


---------- Post added 01-09-2016 at 13:35 ----------



In a hung parliament like that the Tories and UKIP would do a deal. A Tory will be PM and UKIP will vote for all their policies in return for EU exit and tighter immigration control. That's how it works in a hung parliament.


It is 'dangerous' because ignoring the will of the majority is how politicians lose, or fail to gain, the power they crave. Can't believe I really needed to explain that.


Oh it's dangerous to their career? Here's me thinking you are saying some stuff might get smashed up.


Sorry Grange Hill. I'm just so used to your dire warnings of imminent violent uprising!


---------- Post added 01-09-2016 at 13:47 ----------


Still been paid into the corrupt and failed EU coffers, that's where it is. We should invoke article 50 NOW, and stop paying the 350 million as soon as possible. Tomorrow would be a good day to do it.




Say it loud, say it clear, Mrs May, she still won't hear!


She will invoke article 50 when she feels it's best. She knows what she's doing. More than you anyway.

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The success UKIP had at the EU election in 2014 was not repeated at the General Election because the Tories had the promise of an EU referendum on the table. If the Tories do not respect the result and take us out of the EU, the support will flood back to UKIP and then some.
Without its emblematic and charismatic Farage, and after the boundary changes? Suuure :hihi:


UKIP as a national party is a spent force, whatever May and Davis end up doing. It won't survive without Farage or a similarly-charismatic frontman. Unless Farage comes back (...again), or UKIP somehow magics out its own Marine-like (and given the 2020 horizon, it had better get its skates on), out of the current political landscape there's only Bojo left to potentially fill that role. I'll let you mull on the chances of Bojo crossing the floor to UKIP ;)

By the way how is the prediction that a vote to leave will plunge us into deep recession shaping up for you?
Unchanged and, with all indicators slowly moving in the 'right' direction week after week 2 months on, coming along nicely.

You were very confident when quoting all those economists and treasury experts... still feeling confident? :D.
Absolutely :D


And the longer May keeps putting off the invocation of Article 50, the stronger that confidence.

Edited by L00b
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Really? You know how parliament works right?


Labour has more than a hundred MPs now. Are they King Makers? No, because the Tories have more.


Thanks for calling me a bigot cos I called UKIP lunatics. Nice to see how precious you are about them....

Where did I call you a bigot? I said nice to see remainers are not being bigots.

I know exactly how parliament works, the party with a majority over all the others forms a government. If they need another party to gain that majority that other party are the King-Makers, mind I suppose that's a bit precious.

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You're very cross I know.


No you don't know.


You have no idea if you think I'm merely very cross.


I'm way beyond very cross.


I'm f****** incandescent that you think you have the right to lie and strip me of my citizenship. I'm outraged you think it's perfectly OK to leave hundreds of thousands of EU nationals and expats in limbo in the the UK and overseas whilst you decide what you actually mean by Brexit.


I'm livid that you think it's acceptable to take all that was built in the last 40 odd years and spaff it away just because you don't want other people making big decisions. Too European for you I can only presume. I'm saddened beyond reason that people thought it was OK to protest vote by voting to leave thinking that it would never happen.


I'm outraged that lies are still being told as evidenced by your insinuation there should be a world war by now and stunned by your proffering of a newspaper article where Cameron never said world war, and never said any conflict would certainly happen.


I'm desolate that the Europe I grew up will potentially be closed off to me forever when I have done nothing wrong, due to the narrow mindedness of my countrymen. I'm fiercely ashamed and disgusted that those countrymen feel that the Human rights that Britain fought for and upheld are now too inconvenient and only fit to be trampled into the dirt of history.


Finally I'm incoherently annoyed by that smug grinning k*** called Farage and would really like to punch him square on that big nose of his. But that is the only emotion I an ashamed of.


Finally I'm utterly amazed that you can think that I am only "very cross" about this matter. My feelings on this go way beyond being simply cross.


---------- Post added 01-09-2016 at 14:12 ----------


Still been paid into the corrupt and failed EU coffers, that's where it is. We should invoke article 50 NOW, and stop paying the 350 million as soon as possible. Tomorrow would be a good day to do it.




It's fictional. It doesn't exist. Boris the Gibbon and Pob have said as much.

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Where did I call you a bigot? I said nice to see remainers are not being bigots.

I know exactly how parliament works, the party with a majority over all the others forms a government. If they need another party to gain that majority that other party are the King-Makers, mind I suppose that's a bit precious.


Bwahahah! Like the Lib Dems were King Makers in coalition with the Tories!?!?

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No you don't know.


You have no idea if you think I'm merely very cross.


I'm way beyond very cross.


I'm f****** incandescent that you think you have the right to lie and strip me of my citizenship. I'm outraged you think it's perfectly OK to leave hundreds of thousands of EU nationals and expats in limbo in the the UK and overseas whilst you decide what you actually mean by Brexit.


I'm livid that you think it's acceptable to take all that was built in the last 40 odd years and spaff it away just because you don't want other people making big decisions. Too European for you I can only presume. I'm saddened beyond reason that people thought it was OK to protest vote by voting to leave thinking that it would never happen.


I'm outraged that lies are still being told as evidenced by your insinuation there should be a world war by now and stunned by your proffering of a newspaper article where Cameron never said world war, and never said any conflict would certainly happen.


I'm desolate that the Europe I grew up will potentially be closed off to me forever when I have done nothing wrong, due to the narrow mindedness of my countrymen. I'm fiercely ashamed and disgusted that those countrymen feel that the Human rights that Britain fought for and upheld are now too inconvenient and only fit to be trampled into the dirt of history.


Finally I'm incoherently annoyed by that smug grinning k*** called Farage and would really like to punch him square on that big nose of his. But that is the only emotion I an ashamed of.


Finally I'm utterly amazed that you can think that I am only "very cross" about this matter. My feelings on this go way beyond being simply cross.


---------- Post added 01-09-2016 at 14:12 ----------



It's fictional. It doesn't exist. Boris the Gibbon and Pob have said as much.

You really should say what you mean, don't bottle it up, come out with how you feel about brexit without being too ambiguous.


---------- Post added 01-09-2016 at 14:22 ----------


Bwahahah! Like the Lib Dems were King Makers in coalition with the Tories!?!?

Exactly, you've got it now, the Tories wouldn't have been able to form a government without them.

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You really should say what you mean, don't bottle it up, come out with how you feel about brexit without being too ambiguous.


I've always said exactly what I mean and don't hide things. For example you clearly have nothing constructive to say on the matter if you think it's only worthy of poor humour. :)

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