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Mrs May, Hero of the Brexiters.

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I wasn't defending their twisting of the stats to suit their agenda, I was criticizing your twisting of them to suit yours.


Read again... I added caveats re my interpretation and the Indy made none. They didn't even an acknowledgement that Stayers might have also changed their minds.


The bottom line is that their poll shows 60% don't want any vote that could potentially scupper the decision to leave. They ignored that and instead hypothesised to try and pretend opinion is on a knife edge and the nation is divided. It is a sign of how desperate Remainers are since the prophesied Messiah of Doom failed to turn up on cue... they have to make up a crisis wherever they can.


All very sad really. It is clear most Remainers would much rather see the country go down the pan than be wrong.

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Oh it's dangerous to their career? Here's me thinking you are saying some stuff might get smashed up.


Sorry Grange Hill. I'm just so used to your dire warnings of imminent violent uprising!


---------- Post added 01-09-2016 at 13:47 ----------



Say it loud, say it clear, Mrs May, she still won't hear!


She will invoke article 50 when she feels it's best. She knows what she's doing. More than you anyway.


I very much doubt that, I voted for Brexit, she voted to Remain, who knew best, I would say me, she got it wrong.



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Read again... I added caveats re my interpretation and the Indy made none.
Your caveats don't change the fundamental flaw in your claim.


From your post #151:

Their own poll data tells us it is now at least 6-4 in favour of leaving and probably closer to 2-1.

Being against having a referendum on the terms is not the same thing as being in favour of leaving. If you were arguing people were 6-4 or 2-1 in favour of accepting the result of the previous referendum (however reluctantly that might be for some) I wouldn't have an issue. Instead you are trying to claim that accepting the result of the referendum is the same as being in favour of leaving. That is a tenuous claim and is not supported by this poll.

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