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Mrs May, Hero of the Brexiters.

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So...reading the news over the last two days it appears that immigration control/restrictions are seen as more important than the economy. Note that nowhere has immigration reduction been mentioned yet! At the moment it's about throttling the inward flow from the EU while saying nothing about potential inward flows from other places.


Anyway, one thing Brexiters have been honest about is the prospect of an economic hit. There should now be some kind of detail about what that will mean to the public. Remember, an economic hit for Ian Duncan Smith probably means something very different than it does to the average person.


So what is the economic hit going to be? Just what is an acceptable economic price for changing our immigration controls?

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So...reading the news over the last two days it appears that immigration control/restrictions are seen as more important than the economy. Note that nowhere has immigration reduction been mentioned yet! At the moment it's about throttling the inward flow from the EU while saying nothing about potential inward flows from other places.


Anyway, one thing Brexiters have been honest about is the prospect of an economic hit. There should now be some kind of detail about what that will mean to the public. Remember, an economic hit for Ian Duncan Smith probably means something very different than it does to the average person.


So what is the economic hit going to be? Just what is an acceptable economic price for changing our immigration controls?


A substantial number of them dont care period (dont think it affects them) or dont think there will be one. the political comments I have seen seem to indicate they believe they will have access, but most definitely be controlling immigration and not be suhject to free movement. be interesting to see how they will get this past the EU.

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A substantial number of them dont care period (dont think it affects them) or dont think there will be one. the political comments I have seen seem to indicate they believe they will have access, but most definitely be controlling immigration and not be suhject to free movement. be interesting to see how they will get this past the EU.


They have been rather coy about the levels of immigration, and about where immigrants will come from in future. Farage did hint that he would like to see more immigration from the commonwealth.


Remember, controlling immigration does not mean reducing it. It means making your own rules. I mean what business could resist the prospect of an influx of workers who will work for much less than the wages of their EU counterpart, and totally legally too once rights and protection of UK workers are diluted to the max. Imagine the profits for the bigwigs if that business could still sell freely to the EU. I can't imagine that is the vision the people in Sunderland who voted for Brexit envisaged.


The ultra free trade globalist agenda of the likes of Fox has movement of labour as a cornerstone. The problem with the EU is it stops that flow from the 'right' (cheapest) places.


They are not being entirely honest about their economic vision. If they were then they would never have got more votes in the referendum. Not a chance.

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We are the EU. You will be assimilated.

Your biological and technological distinctiveness will be added to our own.

Self-determination is irrelevant. Sovereignty is irrelevant. Resistance is futile.


Odd that because I've just driven across the EU on holiday. From the UK to Bulgaria and back - 14 countries, 32 border crossings and seen a vast panolopy of different languages, cultures, foods, customs....


Self determination and distinctiveness is alive and well. You'd realise that if you actually ventured out of your insular little shell of "EU bad, 2 legs is good" etc...

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Odd that because I've just driven across the EU on holiday. From the UK to Bulgaria and back - 14 countries, 32 border crossings and seen a vast panolopy of different languages, cultures, foods, customs....


Self determination and distinctiveness is alive and well. You'd realise that if you actually ventured out of your insular little shell of "EU bad, 2 legs is good" etc...


It's 4 legs good. Wings count as legs.

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