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Mrs May, Hero of the Brexiters.

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Why must any politician be likeable or very personable?

The job spec demands only that he/she can do the job.


I've not read the thread much other than odd bits, but this stuck out as an interesting post Jeffrey. An important one too, because these days (perhaps 90s onwards) we see a lot more of them, and people are influenced by this, probably more than ever before in history.


I saw an old documentary during the last election showing 'old elections', and I remember it showed many politicians who'd never been on TV before and probably only spoken before in halls. For the sake of argument I'll assume they were competent to some extent in their positions, but I thought nowadays they would probably be considered completely unsuitable for front line work - fat, ugly, boring, incredibly posh-accents, completely at odds with the 'common man' (as the phrase goes).


In a way it reminds me of some football interviews, someone who doesn't particularly like football might say, look at them, funny looking, can't string a sentence together, and sound thick. Completely missing the fact that they are brilliant at their job.

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The only thing that weve found out is your willingness to abuse people because you've got no other possible argument. :roll:

abuse who? im just pointing out things you have said what dont have a ring of truth about them :suspect: btw im coming over to germany at xmas fancy having a pint :hihi:
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abuse who? im just pointing out things you have said what dont have a ring of truth about them :suspect: btw im coming over to germany at xmas fancy having a pint :hihi:


Gastehaus Tanneck


Reit im Winkel



I'll see you there - let me know what date. You'll have to excuse me if I dont stay long though im not that choosy about the company I keep but I do have some standards.

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abuse who? im just pointing out things you have said what dont have a ring of truth about them :suspect: btw im coming over to germany at xmas fancy having a pint :hihi:


Gastehaus Tanneck


Reit im Winkel



I'll see you there - let me know what date. You'll have to excuse me if I dont stay long though im not that choosy about the company I keep but I do have some standards.


I can see an international forum meet coming on here :)

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As a fellow Brexiter, can I ask you to try and argue coherently. An emoticon is not an argument. You will find Obelix and L00b quite willing to engage constructively if you offer reasoned debate.


He thinks because I said I drove from the UK to Romania that means I cannot have moved to Germany. He fails to understand such a trip goes right through Germany and that I may still have friends, houses and goods over here and loose ends that are being tied up.

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Gastehaus Tanneck


Reit im Winkel



I'll see you there - let me know what date. You'll have to excuse me if I dont stay long though im not that choosy about the company I keep but I do have some standards.


Are you over there now? I am only about 25k from you on the German side.

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What serious signs of weakness are those?


An autocratic nature at times, an inability to listen, not very personable, dogmatic, poor decision making, pandering to the Tory right, there's no charisma.


These qualities may not have been too damaging in the home office but as PM they will be a disaster.


Edit: just to add her first big test with the junk food companies she simply caved into them.

Edited by I1L2T3
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But you're civilised brexiters. Go on a BBC comments page or if you've a strong stomach try the yahoo comments when there is a brexit article. It's chock full of racists. Really really thick ones.


---------- Post added 05-09-2016 at 13:37 ----------



They can work for you then I'd rather not have be-track suited wearing delinquent working for me thanks very much.


Unfortunately it is not about what you want, it is what is best for the country.

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Unfortunately it is not about what you want, it is what is best for the country.


Who can tell us what is best for the country.


The leave campaign promised more money for the NHS. That has been blown out the water.


The leave campaign promised a points based immigration system. That has been killed off.


They said that British people would be able to freely travel to Europe. It now looks like we will have to apply and pay.


They said we could still freely trade with the single market. That now looks unlikely.


They said we could make our own trade deals. We can but we will have to wait until after Brexit and then we will be at the back of the queue.


This doesnt look like what is best for the country. This looks like severe self-induced damage.

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Who can tell us what is best for the country.


The leave campaign promised more money for the NHS. That has been blown out the water.


The leave campaign promised a points based immigration system. That has been killed off.


They said that British people would be able to freely travel to Europe. It now looks like we will have to apply and pay.


They said we could still freely trade with the single market. That now looks unlikely.


They said we could make our own trade deals. We can but we will have to wait until after Brexit and then we will be at the back of the queue.


This doesnt look like what is best for the country. This looks like severe self-induced damage.


For heaven's sake it's very early days yet. There's lots of discussion going on and it's going to take a while to sort anything out. Anyone who expects answers straight away is going to be disappointed.


Why would we want to stay shackled to a failing entity like the EU?

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