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Mrs May, Hero of the Brexiters.

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Except only the gullibles would fall for that line. As a phrase it means very little except we are leaving the EU.


It doesnt say anything about our relationship with the EU after including access to the single market and in particular what compromise the UK is prepared to do to keep access v the EU position that there will be no access without freedom of movement.


You would be an incredibly poor negotiator as you fail to comprehend just how complex the task of extricating the UK from the EU will be. It makes sense to have prepared properly and know what your straegy is before opening time limited negotiations. Only a foold would start the clock running with no preparation and no plan.



I assume that's what's going on.

Officially, there are to be no unofficial (pre art. 50) negotiations. That's according to the officials.

I think it likely that unofficially, the officials are making all manner of unofficial plans.

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For me Brexit means full separation. EEC membership is not Brexit. EFTA membership on the right terms might be.


You want another bite of the cherry? You are going to complain if we trigger article 50 and you don't get what you want?


And then you complain about people wanting to remain and wish they'd just accept it.


The hypocrisy and irony is astounding..

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As noted before - recession is 6 months of contraction.


Have we been six months since the triggering of article 50 yet?


Of course not. So please stop wailing about "wheres the recession" it's demeaning to you and does nothing to further your argument.


Agreed, a recession can only be firmly established at least 6 months after it begins. But that doesn't answer the question.

When is there to be a recession?

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I hear Mrs May on the radio to-day re-stating that Brexit will be Brexit, nothing more nothing less. I think she was firing a shot across the bows of the moaning half wits who want another vote on the in/out referendum. Thankfully she is standing by her guns, but I wish she would invoke article 50 and set in stone our decision to leave the corrupt and failed institution that is/was the EU.




Just because Brexit means Brexit doesn't mean that remain voters aren't allowed to keep making a case for positive engagement with other European countries and have a say on shaping what Brexit actually looks like, since no Brexiter seems to have a clue.

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You want another bite of the cherry? You are going to complain if we trigger article 50 and you don't get what you want?


And then you complain about people wanting to remain and wish they'd just accept it.


The hypocrisy and irony is astounding..


This is what the leave campaign campaigned for and what the people voted for.

There is a clear mandate for it.

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And here we go again.


Where's the recession I ask? (not for the first time):

1) It's already here and we haven't noticed yet.

2) It will come after the article 50 activation.

3) It will come after Brexit completes


Who wants to go first. You're not allowed to pick more than one option.


Without a specific prediction, I assume that the plan is to wait for a downturn due to other effects and then blame it on Brexit.


For me Brexit means full separation. EEC membership is not Brexit. EFTA membership on the right terms might be.


We have insufficient data to know what is happening.

We may go into one at any of those points or we may not.

If we had the data then we could look at what it tells us and whether it would be fair or unreasonable to attribute that to Brexit.


We arent really going to have serious data till several years after brexit and for a consistent perior of years 3,5,10,15,20 years so we cna see the effect unfold.


Just because you cant see it doesnt mean it isnt happening or wont happen in the future.

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We have insufficient data to know what is happening.

We may go into one at any of those points or we may not.

If we had the data then we could look at what it tells us and whether it would be fair or unreasonable to attribute that to Brexit.


We arent really going to have serious data till several years after brexit and for a consistent perior of years 3,5,10,15,20 years so we cna see the effect unfold.


Just because you cant see it doesnt mean it isnt happening or wont happen in the future.


This is not what the must touted experts, who's advice we were supposed to base our votes on, told us before the vote.

It seems to me that you now reserve the right to blame any downturn in the next 20 years on Brexit.

You'll understand that I find that highly dubious.


---------- Post added 31-08-2016 at 15:57 ----------


They just voted to leave. there were no further requirements about what terms the UK would re-engage with the EU. Its a pretty hollow phrase.


There are no requirements at all. But there is a political mandate. That has value.

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