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How much weight have you put on since you were a teenager?

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I'm the oposite! was quite a chubby teenager, 'blossomed' rather young and had what you would call a mature figure when i was 12yrs old.. I weighed around 9 1/2 to 10 stone in my teens then from my early 20's onwards i've weight pretty much the same consistantly at around 9 stone.. I'm in my late 30's now so i imagine that will change at some point x


Not necessarily. I've followed an almost identical pattern to you, I'm 60 now and still weigh just under 9 stone.

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Not necessarily. I've followed an almost identical pattern to you, I'm 60 now and still weigh just under 9 stone.


There may be hope then!


I only say it because in my 20's and early 30's i was a size 10 but over the last few years i've taken to wearing a size 12 as the 10's were a bit too tight on the waist even though i havent gained weight :cry:

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From being a teenager to starting work running out of Felixstowe docks I was around 12 stone ,once I started at Felixstowe I went up to around 19 stone but since leaving that job I've got my weight down to around 12.5 stone .the reason for my weight gain was just sitting around all day in truck and eating in greasy spoon type cafes

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No idea what I weigh, I have one pair of size 8 jeans I bought when I was 17 (15 years ago), and they still fit, so I can't complain.

I have a fast metabolism, I eat far more than I should, but I don't notice a difference unless I am really lazy.

Because I'm naturally slim, I can tell when I've gained even a little bit of weight. My belly is a little squidgier than I would like it to be at the moment, because I haven't been cycling to work, or doing any kind of exercise short of walking :(

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From being a teenager to starting work running out of Felixstowe docks I was around 12 stone ,once I started at Felixstowe I went up to around 19 stone but since leaving that job I've got my weight down to around 12.5 stone .the reason for my weight gain was just sitting around all day in truck and eating in greasy spoon type cafes


WOW :o That's a fantastic weight loss :thumbsup:

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Was approx 65kg at 16-18 years old. Maintained that figure till around 40.


Now 51 I am around 70-71kg.


Play sport nearly everyday,always been super careful about what I eat yet I've put on 6-7kg in 35 years.


I know its not much but still.


Last few years have started to develop a bit of fat around my waist which I find near impossible to lose.


I weigh myself minimum twice per day to check as I'm a bit obsessed of not turning in to a lump of lard.


72 kg is my peak. At that weight i feel like im carrying a bit of excess weight.

11 stone when I got married aged 23, 12 stone when I retired then put another stone on in 5 years which I've maintained ever since, even though I keep relatively active, walking gardening and golf etc, it's more difficult to lose it when not doing a physical job as you get older. I think that's when you have to rely more on diet to keep at a reasonable weight.

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About 6kg between the ages of 18 and 31, but that's a good thing as I was underweight as a teen due to an overactive thyroid. I have an underactive thyroid now but still a size 8 although I'm pretty sure clothes sizes have got bigger over the years and an 8 now is what a 10 used to be.

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About 6kg between the ages of 18 and 31, but that's a good thing as I was underweight as a teen due to an overactive thyroid. I have an underactive thyroid now but still a size 8 although I'm pretty sure clothes sizes have got bigger over the years and an 8 now is what a 10 used to be.


That would have made you less than a stone!!!! :o

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