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Looking for photos/pictures/newspaper cutting etc from 1946-1970

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I'm wondering if anyone can help me, I'm trying to make a scrap book for my Mum's 60th birthday, and am looking for photos of her and places that were important to her through her life. She was born in Sheffield and grew up there until emigrating to Australia in 1971 (although she has mostly lived in England since then)!


She was born in July 1946.


She lived in a two roomed house in Arthur Street, in the Crooks Moor part of Sheffield and she went to Crooks Moor Junior School.


Moved to a three bedroomed house: 252 Blackstock Road Hemsworth Sheffield 14 when she was 11 ish (so around 1957).


She went to the Junior Art Department of the Sheffield College of Art for a year at 11 and then the school closed and she went to Stradbrook Grammar School untill 5th form and then went to another school for a Levels.


Church was very important to her (though I haven't found out which one they attended yet)


She did a paper round in the Gleedless valley


Then she went to Art school for the 6th form.


Went to Teacher training college in Birmingham.


She did supply at Crooks Moor Junior.


Taught in Green Meadow school and lived above the butcher shop called Sweeney’s


Lived in Norman Road in a bedsit on her own


then in 1971 went to Australia.


Any information/photos/ newspaper cuttings/ school pictures around those times etc. sould be great





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I'm wondering if anyone can help me, I'm trying to make a scrap book for my Mum's 60th birthday, and am looking for photos of her and places that were important to her through her life. She was born in Sheffield and grew up there until emigrating to Australia in 1971 (although she has mostly lived in England since then)!


She was born in July 1946.


She lived in a two roomed house in Arthur Street, in the Crooks Moor part of Sheffield and she went to Crooks Moor Junior School.


Moved to a three bedroomed house: 252 Blackstock Road Hemsworth Sheffield 14 when she was 11 ish (so around 1957).


She went to the Junior Art Department of the Sheffield College of Art for a year at 11 and then the school closed and she went to Stradbrook Grammar School untill 5th form and then went to another school for a Levels.


Church was very important to her (though I haven't found out which one they attended yet)


She did a paper round in the Gleedless valley


Then she went to Art school for the 6th form.


Went to Teacher training college in Birmingham.


She did supply at Crooks Moor Junior.


Taught in Green Meadow school and lived above the butcher shop called Sweeney’s


Lived in Norman Road in a bedsit on her own


then in 1971 went to Australia.


Any information/photos/ newspaper cuttings/ school pictures around those times etc. sould be great





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