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Obese patients face NHS surgery ban to save money

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And then it will be old people who get surgeries denied.


They aren't doing it to help fat people, they're doing it to save money.


And if they get away with this, will they refuse to treat kids who have taken dodgy drugs, or people who have fallen over whilst drunk, or contracted an STI after unprotected sex?


Lots of opportunity to save a bit more there, but it's still not right.

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And if they get away with this, will they refuse to treat kids who have taken dodgy drugs, or people who have fallen over whilst drunk, or contracted an STI after unprotected sex?


Lots of opportunity to save a bit more there, but it's still not right.


And abortions or the morning after pill, while we're at it. Lifestyle choice, innit?

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Obese patients will be refused surgery for up to a year as part of efforts to save money, an NHS commissioning group in North Yorkshire has said.


Officials at the Vale of York Clinical Commissioning Group said the decision came at a time when the local system was under "severe pressure". The move will see a ban on, for example, hip and knee operations.


The Royal College of Surgeons described the restrictions as some of the most severe the modern NHS has ever seen.




I am sure this will be over-turned by someone higher up, very quickly.


You seem to think that clinically obese people aren't already under restrictions as to what sort of surgery they can have? If the patient is too big for certain operations, they are considered too much of a risk of death on the operating table. There is a reason they don't give 40 stone people gastric bands for example.


I see no problem in refusing non life threatening operations when the problem can be solved by losing weight at negligible cost to the NHS and a massive benefit to the patient especially when the weight is the cause of the issue in the first place. Why else do you think joint (hip, knee etc) operations are in the 'ban'?

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And then it will be old people who get surgeries denied.


They aren't doing it to help fat people, they're doing it to save money. Lose 10% of your weight. Good luck trying to exercise with a knee that needs replacing.


Correct on all accounts. They even admit to do it for monetary reasons. The NHS is falling to pieces all around us, time for a serious debate on what the future of healthcare is in this country.

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