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Obese patients face NHS surgery ban to save money

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She can still only gain weight if she eats more than she needs.


How hard is that too understand


That's complete crap.


She can exercise and eat only 500 calories a day and she still won't lose weight.


Obviously she has nutritional needs beyond tracking calorific intake.


Very difficult for her.

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That's complete crap.


She can exercise and eat only 500 calories a day and she still won't lose weight.


Obviously she has nutritional needs beyond tracking calorific intake.


Very difficult for her.


My mum also has a thyroid related weight problem, people like easy living think they know it all.

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She can still only gain weight if she eats more than she needs.


How hard is that too understand


Too hard for you clearly. Easy to judge people isn't it. Do you think people wake up in the morning and think..hmm how can I stay fat today? It's far more complex than you're making out, sir.

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I don't understand.

People who are overweight despite knowing that it's hurting them are essentially mentally weak.

There could be many reasons why they're mentally weak. Hard life, tough childhood, excessively soft parenting, bad genes, bullying at school etc.

For some of them, the lose weight or we'll abandon you will be just the kick they need to sort themselves out. For others, it will compound serious mental problems and possibly drive them to suicide.


Anybody who we're considering trying this tough love approach to their weight problem on, needs to be evaluated by a genuine mental health professions to determine how they'll react before it is applied.

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I don't understand.

People who are overweight despite knowing that it's hurting them are essentially mentally weak.

There could be many reasons why they're mentally weak. Hard life, tough childhood, excessively soft parenting, bad genes, bullying at school etc.

For some of them, the lose weight or we'll abandon you will be just the kick they need to sort themselves out. For others, it will compound serious mental problems and possibly drive them to suicide.


Anybody who we're considering trying this tough love approach to their weight problem on, needs to be evaluated by a genuine mental health professions to determine how they'll react before it is applied.


I am mentally incredibly weak, or, instead, I chose to ignore all the pleas and just enjoy life. I agree, takes incredible weakness.

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