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How do you sleep?

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Never have a problem falling asleep, it's staying asleep. I am a natural left side sleeper,but due to a shoulder injury it is painful for much longer than twenty minutes, as a result I am on my right side which is not very comfortable. Often awake from around 2.45 until 4.30 ish. sometimes drift off then up at 6am, my dog seems to wear a wartch........!

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Never have a problem falling asleep, it's staying asleep. I am a natural left side sleeper,but due to a shoulder injury it is painful for much longer than twenty minutes, as a result I am on my right side which is not very comfortable. Often awake from around 2.45 until 4.30 ish. sometimes drift off then up at 6am, my dog seems to wear a wartch........!


Interesting point this. I have slept on the right side of the bed for as long as I care to mention. Used to sleep on my back or right hand side but shoulder pain has forced me onto my front in recent years, which apparently is not good for you. And caused me to wake a lot through the night.


However, I recently stayed in a holiday cottage in which I had to sleep on the left and slept MUCH better, on my left and rarely lopping onto the front. I know if couldn't have been the mattress as that was fairly basic whereas ours is pretty decent. So I convinced the OH to switch sides when we got back and, yes, it's the same. Clearly the side I sleep on makes a big difference.

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I sleep on both left and right side, legs curled up.. Not allowed to sleep on my back because apparently it makes me snore!! I don't / can't sleep on my front because of two reasons!........


I don't have difficulty falling asleep, i am one of those people who falls straight to sleep once the head hits the pillow.. I like to have 7 to 8 hrs a night, any less and i'm no good for nothing the next day x

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Hah, fair observation, I don't tend to drink coffee in the evening and caffeine doesn't really keep me awake anyway. That is unlike many Dutch I know though, most have coffee after dinner (8/9 PM).


I used to drink quite a lot of coffee, both instant and filter, at any time of day. I never had any problem with sleeping, so I assumed it was not affecting me. Then I decided to cut down, and basically stopped for a few days. I suffered constant, splitting headaches for two or three days. Since then, although I do drink coffee, it is a lot less, and not every day.


---------- Post added 06-09-2016 at 11:34 ----------


I sleep on my front (although obviously not face downwards into the pillow).


On front for me also, with one arm on pillow, and head resting on the arm.

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Healthiest way:

1. Go to sleep on left side of body.

2. Wake up on right side of body.

3. Don't sleep supine or prone.

Sounds like the old joke.

'If my missus is on her left side when I wake up I go fishing, if she's on her right I go golfing'.

'What do you do if she's on her back?'

'I stay in bed'.

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I understand that the sleep-side rules derive from the fact that, when going to sleep, one's stomach is fuller than when waking. The stomach (right) warms the other body parts (left) better. When waking, the emptier stomach then recovers heat from the other body parts. Or something like that.

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Im one of those who can sleep anywhere any time any place,I can fall asleep within seconds of getting into bed and snore like a pig,you could clash cymbals in my ears the place could be on fire and I would still be asleep.

Edited by Shogun
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