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How do you sleep?

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I used to sleep on my left side mostly as my oh breaths on me on my right side.


But in recent years I have suffered from Chronic lower back pain. Getting out of bed was painful. Then I came across a youtube vid shown by a back specialist who explained how we sleep can actually damage our back when sleep should be our recovery time.


First he explained that ideally lying on our side our spine and neck shouls be straight, if not we are going to be damaging our discs. Luckily for me I had just got a new mattress and it is stiff, very firm. My spine and neck was straight.


He then explained how the bottom of our spine curls down so preferably we need to have a shallow pillow for the neck and a cushion under our knees. This is for sleeping on your back. If on your side then a pillow between the knees.


It took about a fortnight to get used to the pillow but it works. Not had a bad back ache since, might be a bit stiff but nothing like the constanst pain I had.


Also I now do back exercises. 5-10 minutes a day.


Wind down an hour before bedtime and a mug of Ovaltine. No more alcohol.

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Three pints of stoooneses, fish and chips onto way home straight to bed with Jane Russell look alike who has been waiting on the settee for my return , make love three times ,roll ore onto left side with bums facing each other and then sleep like a baby till 7 am ,make love just once before she gets breakfast ready .

Works every time.

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